5 Ways Your Life Will Change When You Come to Playas del Coco, Costa Rica
You finally made the decision to head to Playas del Coco, Costa Rica, Congratulations! For whatever reason you are here, whether you’re retired, on vacation, ready for a new chapter of your life or hoping to make Coco your new permanent home, there’s no doubt your life will be changed forever.
Costa Rica gets under your skin and you will see the world in a whole different light. We hope that it is everything you ever dreamed it would be and here are some ways we believe your life will change when you come to Costa Rica, specifically to the beach in Guanacaste.
- You won’t worry about the weather anymore — “Gee Honey, there’s a blue sky out there….again”.
One of the main reasons Expats and tourists of all ages prefer Guanacaste over the rest of the country is the weather. Guanacaste has a very long dry season (6 months) meaning more sunny days and less rain. You won’t ever have to worry about the weather or even look up the forecast! You’ll always wake up knowing that it’s hot and sunny.
For Canadians this will be hard as we are always talking about the darned weather. Even in the rainy season, you will be amazed how fantastic it is. If you’ve ever lived in an area where it rains for days on end (like Seattle or Vancouver) you will scoff at the comments that there’s a lot of rain. The dreary grey sky just doesn’t exist here.
- Your wardrobe will become smaller (and so will you!)
You won’t need anything remotely resembling winter clothes here in Coco, not even a spring jacket! Your wardrobe will be filled with everything that has to do with the beach — shorts, tank tops, t-shirts, flip flops and swimsuits. Ladies, feel free to pack as many sundresses, skirts and bathing suits as you like. It’ll become your new everyday outfit.
With the gorgeous weather here, you will walk more and finally get some of that fresh air you craved while you are trapped indoors all winter no matter where you came from.
- You’ll be able to head outside and pick fruit off the trees as they come into season.
If you love tropical fruit, you certainly picked the right place to be. Walk outside and you’ll see all sorts of fruit trees including mango, lime, papaya and avocado. You’ll also see some you may not recognize like cashew, star fruit or guanabana. Take time to try some varieties that you can’t find in the typical North American markets. You’ll discover a whole new experience that will tantalize your taste buds.
- You’ll wake up earlier just because you can.
Since Costa Rica is a tropical country located near the equator, the sun rises and sets pretty much the same every day, rising around 6 AM and setting around 6 PM. Daylight savings time doesn’t exist here and with 12 hours of daylight, you won’t want to miss even one minute of the sunshine.
You’ll start waking up earlier and earlier even without that dreaded alarm clock that nearly scares you half to death in the morning. So get up early and enjoy your day in paradise.
- Hearing monkeys howling in the trees will be normal — who would have thought??
This might be startling at first if you aren’t used to it but in Coco, there are many howler monkey troops around. As they are the loudest land animal, you’ll hear them howling randomly throughout the day, especially in the mornings. But don’t worry, you’ll get used to it! In fact, if you don’t hear them you will probably miss them.
The families travel from tree to tree in search of food. The babies are so much fun to watch as they cling to the mothers for dear life as she hops or swings from branch to branch.
If these changes sound like something you want to experience, contact Nadene and Roland Tipper who have lived here since 2009 and have all of the contacts and connections you’ll ever need. They are the “HUB” and can help you get the most out of your time in Playas del Coco and surrounding area.
7 Great Costa Rica Condos For Sale Near The Beach.

Roland and Nadene Tipper are Canadian citizens who have lived in Costa Rica since 2008. As professional real estate sales agents in the Playas del Coco area, they offer the best service possible by providing accurate and up to date information so that their clients can make an educated decision when it comes to buying real estate in Costa Rica.
Their focus is on customer service from start to finish and beyond and the fact that their clients become great friends says a lot.
For more information about Costa Rica condos for sale in the Playas del Coco area, please contact our Recommended Realtors in Playas del Coco Roland and Nadene Tipper using the simple form below:
Property/Article ID Number 5671
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