lowest prices for drugs in CR

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    Farmacias Santa Lucía have the lowest prices for drugs in Costa Rica and their locations are listed below: http://farmaciasantaluciacr.com

    Sucursal Central
    Horario: Lunes a Viernes 8am a 8pm / Sábados 9am a 6pm
    Dirección: 100 metros al Sur de la Mutual Alajuela Centro
    Teléfono: 2440-0404
    Email: regenciacentral@farmaciasantalucia.co.cr

    Sucursal Corazón de Jesús
    Horario: Lunes a Viernes 8am a 8pm / Sábados 9am a 6pm
    Dirección: 100 metros al Norte y 275 metros Oeste del Correo
    Teléfono: 2440-1011
    Email: regenciacorazondejesus@farmaciasantalucia.co.cr

    Sucursal Ciruelas
    Horario: Lunes a Viernes 8am a 8pm / Sábados 9am a 6pm
    Dirección: Frente a la Escuela de Ciruelas
    Teléfono: 2438-2969
    Email: regenciaciruelas@farmaciasantalucia.co.cr

    Sucursal El Carmen
    Horario: Lunes a Viernes 8am a 8pm / Sábados 9am a 6pm
    Dirección: 175 metros al Oeste de Jumbo Supermercado
    Teléfono: 2442-0404
    Email: regenciaelcarmen@farmaciasantalucia.co.cr

    Sucursal La Agonía
    Horario: Lunes a Viernes 8am a 8pm / Sábados 9am a 6pm
    Dirección: 150 metros este del Bingo de la Cruz Roja
    Teléfono: 2442-9800
    Email: regencialaagonia@farmaciasantalucia.co.cr

    Sucursal Autoservicio La Ceiba
    Horario: Lunes a Viernes 8am a 8pm / Sábados 9am a 6pm
    Dirección: Plaza La Ceiba, 800 norte de los Tribunales de Justicia
    Teléfono: 2430-0808
    Email: regencialaceiba@farmaciasantalucia.co.cr
    Amplio Parqueo


    How was it established that this company has the lowest prices Tom?

    For all drugs? Only certain kinds?



    I saw on the News last week that Fischel has the lowest rates.


    It has been my personal experience that Fischel always has the HIGHEST prices…

    Recent example from 20th June 2012

    Calcort 6mg X 10 = 11,608 in Fischel
    Calcort 6mg X 10 = 9,817 in Farmacia Sucre


    1,791 colones ($3.63) which means 18% more expensive in Fischel…



    Well, I will just check it out for you. I recently started on a new program where the doctor wants me to take only brand name drugs. The monthly cost is around $300 per month. I have checked prices here, Canada and the US to find that our little local place here in Atenas had the best prices. Will run a comparison and let you know. Based on the amount I spend each month, this is very important to me.


    I did the comparison, and the company Tom mentioned did have some very good pricing. As I stated before, the place we are now using has excellent prices. Based on the quote Tom’s pharmacy gave me they are about $200 per year less money. And, if I apply the discount cards the doctor gave me, it will be closer to $400 less. All of this is based on the pills listed below:

    Bonaviva 150 mg
    Hiperlipen 100 mg
    Benicar HCT 20/12.5 mg
    Nebilet 5 mg

    Caltrate D
    Cardiosprina 81 mg

    Vytorin 10/40mg

    Hope this helps.


    Aww shoot. Like, here I thought you were,like, a’gonna tell us like where to find, y’know, like drugs, man. Like, wow, disappointment. Like, a real downer, y’know?


    those ARE the drugs, Victoria! Big Pharma is the biggest drug pusher of all.

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