Reptiles in the Wild

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    We have guests coming to stay with us in our guest house outside Grecia over Christmas and New Year’s. They’re reptile fans and would like to know where they could go to see reptiles in the wild. Can anyone recommend a particular national park where a guide would be available and where the reptile life is plentiful? Ideally, it would be someplace that would be a day trip from Grecia.

    I’m aware of the bridge over the Tacares (right?), on the old road to Cararra National Park, where you can see the big crocodiles.

    In this same vein . . . Before the big earthquake about four years ago, it used to be that you could take wildlife river excursions out of Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui. Does anyone know if those river trips are going on now?



    Take a look at the article about [url=]Jim Kavney here[/url]

    Jim’s website is at [url=]Costa Rica Herping Adventures here[/url].

    He’ll know…..



    [b]David,[/b] friends from Naranjo took the Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqu trip earlier this year and thoroughly enjoyed it.
    We saw really close up, a couple of pretty big caymans at the bridge crossing the beach at Playa Samara


    Thank you, Scott and crf. These are just the leads I was hoping for. These, plus the World of Snakes in Grecia, should keep them happy.


    [quote=”costaricafinca”][b]David,[/b] friends from Naranjo took the Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqu trip earlier this year and thoroughly enjoyed it.
    We saw really close up, a couple of pretty big caymans at the bridge crossing the beach at Playa Samara[/quote]

    Finca, I think you mean the bridge at the east end of Carrillo Beach, there is no road nor bridge that is that close to Samara Beach.

    And unfortunately, since the local land “heaved” about 1 meter on 5-Sept during “the big one”, those mangroves near the bridge in Carrillo are now high and dry, and to my knowledge no one has seen our reptilian friends since. They must have headed further inland, away from the beach to enjoy the deeper waters of that little stream (now less than a meter wide at the bridge).


    This is not a day trip option but I’ll toss in my 2 cents:

    I’ve been to all corners of CR and hiked in many forests. Unquestionably and without any doubt the best area to experience wildlife including, in particular, reptiles is the OSA Peninsula. Second best is the opposite side on the Caribbean in Gandoca Manzanillo.


    [b]costaricabill,[/b] I think you are right! I couldn’t remember exactly where it was, but thought I had a 50% chance of getting it right!!
    I was thrilled to get a few close up photos of the caymans there, so it is sad they have gone but hope they get to a safe place, for all of us…

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