Residency requirements

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    We have applied for our CR residency. We have the stamped paper work and each of us has a number. There are two conflicting stories from expats who live here. We were told we still have to leave CR every 90 days until we are totally approved for our residency. Then we were told we didn’t have to leave if we have our numbers and paper work and our names are in the CR system. Can anyone answer this question?
    D Thomas


    Technically, you still have to leave every 90 days because you could theoretically be rejected for any number of reasons. However, immigration has not been enforcing that requirement after you have gotten your paperwork and number. Many people do not go out of the country every 90 days once their residency applications have been submitted and they have been given a number. So in essence, both answers are correct.


    [quote=”rosiemaji”]Technically, you still have to leave every 90 days because you could theoretically be rejected for any number of reasons.)

    That’s interesting, when you leave every 90 days, is there a time limit for your return. Most countries don’t allow you to leave so it establishes that you’re a true resident. Please explain to me, I’d like to apply for residency but I can’t spend months on end in CR, thank all of you for your help.



    to have any form of residency in costa rica (other than permanent) you have to spend at least 4 months in country. if you can’t do that, there is no point in even applying for residency. the months do not have to be consecutive either, just a total for the year. most of us applied for residency knowing we WOULD be here for long stretches of time and didn’t want to bother with that hassle of leaving every 90 days. i applied for residency before i even moved here becaause i knew i’d never get it together to go somewhere every 3 months for 3 days.


    You can leave and return the same day. You don’t have to be out of the country for 3 days as long as your visa has not expired. Many people go to Panama by bus, maybe do a little shopping and then return by bus. You can drive a car but cannot take the car into Panama unless you have proper paperwork (not worth the hassle. Maravilla is right in that you must be in Costa Rica at least 4 months (I think more specifically 120 days) out of the year to keep temporary residency active. But that is only after you have received your cedula (residency ID card). After 3 years, you can apply for permanent residency which might take another year or so to complete. Once you are a permanent resident, I don’t know if you are still required to be in the country for 4 months out of the year; maybe permanent residents could clarify that. I do know that you must be in Costa Rica for some amount of time every year and you must renew your permanent residency periodically (is that 5 years?).


    [quote=”deniserthomas”]Then we were told we didn’t have to leave if we have our numbers and paper work and our names are in the CR system. Can anyone answer this question?
    D Thomas[/quote]
    I hassled with going out of country twice and then was told by one of the employees in the Migracion Controloria (ombudsman) officethat Migration doesn’t enforce the 90 day requirement but COSEVI (the traffic cops) do.
    If you are stopped by the traffic cops after 90 days without a Costa Rican drivers license you have a problem. I obtained my CR drivers license and had no further problem although I was stopped regularly and it took 19 months to finally get my residency approved.


    The short answer to your question is “No, once you have a permanent number issued by Migracion and you have the receipt proving your documents and application were filed you are not required to exit Costa Rica to renew your tourist visa (which may or may not be for 90 days)”.

    In practice, that has been the case for at least six years. However, the Ley de Migracion, in effect since March 1, 2010, specifically addressed the issue. See Ley de Migracion y Extranjeria, Article 33.3 (you can’t get an easier number to remember). Paraphrasing Article 33.3: Thou must exit CR when your tourist visa expires EXCEPT if you have a pending application for a change of status. In your case, you are changing from tourist to temporary resident under the pensionado program.


    Javier Zavaleta
    Residency in Costa Rica
    Tel (323) 255-6116 – Fax (323) 344-1620
    On the Web at


    I would guess that when you [i]’…have the stamped paper work and each of us has a number”[/i] if it is only the ‘file number’ you are given when first applying [b]but not the the ‘approval info/number'[/b]


    While I was in “tramite” for my residency, which is where you are now if you have the official stamped paperwork showing that you have filed for your residency, I would simply carry a copy of that with me along with a copy of my passport. I was stopped a few times on the road at check points, and these sufficed every time even though I had been in the country over 90 days. However, I did almost get in trouble because I did not have a Costa Rican drivers license. When that happened, I talked my way out of it, and then proceeded to get the license.
    I was also able to use the stamped paperwork with the airlines in the States, so that I could fly back to CR and not have a return ticket to the US, as they can require.
    So in my opinion and experience, one you have your stamped paperwork, you should be good to stay.
    This all took place last year, so it is pretty current information.


    OK so how does one obtain a CR Drivers license?


    Please do a search on the site here, it has been addressed pretty thoroughly


    OK will do that thanks.

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