Transplanting yellow bamboo

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  • #168029

    I cut down a large stalk of yellow bamboo growing in my yard, and now new shoots are growing out of the stump.
    If I cut these shoots off the stump and place them in the ground at a new location now during the dry season will they continue to grow?


    Usually not..
    You need a root ball.


    [quote=”costaricafinca”]Usually not..
    You need a root ball.[/quote]
    Yes, but I have seen new bamboo shoots sprout from a piece of the stalk that was cut into sections, as well as from the top third of a stalk that was placed in the ground.
    I am wondering if young shoots would do the same if cut and planted in the dry season?


    If it was kept watered, it may be OK
    I have planted many species like you mention, but have had no success with bamboo.

    Doug Ward

    I cant kill it. Every time I plant posts of it to make fencing and handrails 25% sprouts and I have to Roundup it.
    The next question is why would anyone plant that garbage to begin with ?


    [quote=”Doug Ward”]I cant kill it. Every time I plant posts of it to make fencing and handrails 25% sprouts and I have to Roundup it.
    The next question is why would anyone plant that garbage to begin with ?[/quote]

    I guess to make a hedge verses the other ugly plants that most ticos plant.

    Do you have any other better hedge to plants the gives
    you the hedge/fencing, hides and borders the house?

    I am building some homes and was going to use the clump bamboo, but open to better suggestions. I was told their
    are many species of bamboo some better than others.

    While I am asking we also need to hold up a large 25 foot
    bank of hard dirt. What is best to hold the bank and beautify
    it? Grass, Vetiver, coffee plants? And where is a honest,fair priced landscaper for planting here close to Grecia.

    Thank you,


    I am surprised by your comment “..hedge verses the other ugly plants that most ticos plant”. Remember, [i]Ticos[/i] know what [i]actually[/i] works.
    Since you have a ’25 footbank of hard dirt’, you may need a cement wall rather than plants to hold back the soil, especially if you are building houses near it …

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