Glucometer Test Strips

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    A while back (it could have been a year), I exchanged messages with someone named Ed (I think) about test strips for a One Touch Ultra Mini glucometer. For the uninitiated, a glucometer is a handheld device that diabetics use to test the level of sugar in their blood. The strips are used once only. They’re expensive. They’re not interchangeable from one meter type or brand to another. And the ones for this meter are not available in Costa Rica.

    I’m about to change meter brands. I have a big supply of strips for the One Touch Ultra Mini that I’d like to find a good home for at a “giveaway” price. If Ed or anyone else who uses one of these meters is interested in my hoard of strips, please contact me.

    Some of these strips expire in September of this year. The rest expire in December.


    Am curious: Which brands of meters and strips are readily available in CR?


    [quote=”bogino”]Am curious: Which brands of meters and strips are readily available in CR?[/quote]

    I’ve not looked into this carefully because I’ve always imported my meters and strips. That said, from my casual shopping in the [i]farmacias[/i] in Grecia, it seems that the brands come and go. That would make shopping for the best choice, or even for strips for the meter you bought last month, difficult.

    What’s more, in general things here seem to be in short supply or the supply is unreliable. That is, even some “commodity”-type things are not always available. They don’t seem to be restocked consistently. For generic products like lightbulbs, this isn’t much of a problem, but for brand-specific items, you could easily find yourself plain out of luck.

    In November, [i]Consumer Reports[/i] published their latest glucometer tests. The one I’m switching to is their top-rated model. The one I’m discarding was their top choice three years ago. With things like glucometers and test strips, these differences can be important indeed.

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