Where are termales de Bosque?

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    Where are termales de Bosque?


    There are hot springs all over the country. There are several near Aguas Zarcas, AL on the road from Cuidad Quesada just before you get to Marina.

    One is a nice little place that the locals go to and the other is a fancy high dollar tourist place. The small place was enjoyable but a long walk down a steep paved path in the rain forest. Entrance was about $7 each. This is real Costa Rica and highly recommended

    The fancier place is a “spa” and I have not visited. If you want to go to a high class place that is no different than any in the world go here.

    If you look up and call the zoo in Marina they can probably help you with specifics.

    Lonely Planet does not list them but has others.

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