Residency requirements

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    For those of you who have gained your temporary residency, I have a question. My husband & I are planning to apply for a rentista status. We are trying to get all the paperwork together to try and apply prior to the August changes taking effect. My question is, do I have to pledge the $60,000 in cash at the time we apply or once the rentista status is granted. We are not going to be able to show an investment income of $1000.00 per month and will be depositing the $60,000 in a Costa Rican bank. What do they require at time of application? Will it be a bank statement showing the $60,000 in our bank or what? Any help would be much appreciated.


    When we applied we had to deposit the $60K right away which was kind of a surprise for us. Another surprise was that it took Banco National about three days to set up the CD and there was more paperwork to sign; so since we were leaving back to the US the morning after the account was opened we had to make an extra trip back to finish off the paperwork. So, make sure you’re going to be in Costa for a few days after you apply.


    Thanks Cindy. Did you apply while in CR or had you started the application from US? What made you decide to use Banco National? Who did you use to help with the paperwork? Thanks for the help.


    We used the ARCR; they were very good and our residency only took about 4 months. They also went down to Immigration with us and helped expedite that process so we were just in there a couple hours to pick up our cedula which I guess is really good; some people say it has taken them all day. We got all our notarized and authenticated paperwork (marriage cert, birth cert, police report)here in California and then took it down to CR to apply. The ARCR also accompanied us to the police station to get fingerprinted at that point. They recommended Banco National, so that’s what we did.


    Cindy, I just applied to ARCR and will probably use them as well. How many trips did you have to make to CR for this process? It sounds like 2. I didn’t realize you needed both US fingerprinting….thought they preferred Interpol.
    Did you guys move everything from CA to CR? We are getting estimates now of just how expensive that might be.
    Your answers have been very helpful


    It should just take one (for the process). Make an appointment with the ARCR, open your bank account, then be around for 3-4 days to process it. Then the next time you will need to come down is when they make an appointment with immigration to obtain your cedula (ID card). So we made 3 trips, you can do it in 2. We were never fingerprinted in the U.S., they took us upon our appplication to the police station in San Jose which submits those to Interpol.

    We have just set our date to move which is 8/21; it’s exhilarating and scary at the same time. I’m just in process of getting quotes to move.
    We’re going to take some household goods and appliances and one car. Ouotes are ranging in the $6-8,000 range. Still tryng to pin this one down but would be happy to share the outcome.


    Edited on May 15, 2006 19:54


    I can appreciate the “mixed bag” of emotions. We are going thru some of the same and we have not gotten to a definite date. Still much to do here, sell the house, wrap up business, etc. I think we will try to get down in June and meet with ARCR, open bank acct. and try to get in George Lindquists tour. I would love to hear what you learn from your movers. We are still debating about the auto issue. Seems so expensive to bring one in, but the prices seem pretty high in the country also! Did you consider driving down?
    Do you know where you are going to settle? Let’s stay in touch. Gee Gee


    I’ve been debating about the auto issue too; all I’ve read says don’t do it. However, we have a 97 Nissan pickup 4X4 that has basically sat in our driveway for the past three years, low miles, paid off, and the quotes I have received are in the neighborhood of $3000 to bring it in. Also, from research, don’t know if I could find a used vehicle in this good of shape for less than $10,000. We did consider driving down because we’ve had a hard time figuring out how to get our McCaw down there; I think I’ve figured it out so we decided not to do that. The problem being that most airlines will take birds in cargo, but you can book only 3 days ahead and they won’t fly them if it’s over 85 degrees, which basically takes out Houston and Miami for the next 6 months. Anyway, Continental will let you take them in the cabin.
    We are settling in Portalon; about half way between Quepos and Dominical on the central/southern pacific coast. Do stay in touch…
    Cee Cee


    Here,s an article on this site about importing vehicles. It may be helpful.


    CC, another question for you. Have you located storage facilities in CR?
    Thanks, Gee Gee


    Just started looking myself and don’t know personally about any of these but try:



    gg…my husband and I will be taking George’s tour on June 25th, is that the one you are going on. We also will be starting the process for rentista status while we are there. Could it be that we will be on the same tour? Do you plan to attend the ARCR seminar after the tour?


    Cindy, I’ll take a look at these. Thanks for the help, once again. Gee Gee


    It does sound like we will be on the same tour. We are looking so forward to it. I do not believe we are doing the ARCR tour. George recommended an attorney (same one we will hear on tour). I have made contact with him today and am gathering all the “stuff” needed for the meeting with him. When do you plan to move down; or have you made plans yet? Have you already started your process thru ARCR? Where in the US are you from? We are in SW Florida. Plan to go down on 6/23 or 24th. Have not confirmed as yet. We will look forward to meeting you. Our names are Jamie & Gee Gee Hathcock


    Gee Gee…We will be arriving in CR on the 21st of June. We are just beginning to pull together the paperwork and will start the process while we are there. With any luck we will be moving in the early fall. Currently we live in Alberta, Canada. It will be great to meet you! Our names are Bryan and Tressa….feel free to email us at

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