Pre-construction condos

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    If you say that you want to help your V.I.P. members, what happened to all the info on Costa Montana, Costa Developers and the control person Ellis Kahn????????


    I did email you privately on this…

    We had someone who kept on putting in a commercial post which I deleted three times and then he did it again and I deleted the entire thread by mistake instead of the one message.

    If you have the response that I spent a few hours researching I would VERY much appreciate you emailing it to me and we’ll start it again

    Sorry I screwed up and unfortunately once the thread is deleted I cannot get it back.

    Yours humbly….

    Scott Oliver


    Hello Jill,
    I am in process of inquiring into Estrellio Estate by Costa Developers. I have hired an attorney to look into this property.The title report seems in their name.


    I looked into buying property in Costa Montana, but didn’t. I’m just curious if you had a good or bad experience, and if you have bought and are satisfied. It is still somewhat of a consideration, but we did go ahead and buy elsewhere. Any info on your experiece or how the development is going would be appreciated. I had been told the entrance and roads would be in place by now, and they are not. This is not a complete indicator of follow through, but neithe a good one.


    Hi Rahl,

    Just want to be absolutly certain. Im considering purchasing a lot at Costaesterillos myself and was wondering if the property is registered/recorded by individual lots or in it’s entirity? Before signing on the dotted line, how do I know that the felio number that is furnished by the developer is actually the lot I’m purchasing?



    Name is Rahul no offense my dear!
    1.never buy any lot without having an attorney handling for you.
    2.Mine is in San Jose, Carlos Arrea His e-mailCarrea @Racsa.Co.Cr., a fine gentleman.
    3.Do not send any money until he cheks this out for you.
    4.To me this one looks realy good and clean from what I have seen so far but attorney is must.
    6.Must read Scott’s book.
    If you can read and understand Spanish then you can go to the Nationa Registry site and check it out yourself……naehhhhh, get attorney.


    Hello again Rahul,
    In referance to your June 28th post, the company that has title to this property is Chias Poderosas S.A. according to title search records. Possibly I could have been given an incorrect Folio number but if not, how would these two companies be related?
    Thanks much,


    My attorney is looking into all facts. The one you mentioned could be a trust similar to mrtgage company in USA. That is why you must know the relationship between all these players and that is why I hired an attorney .I will keep you posted.


    Hello, Rahul, Nera,

    Costa Developers are working with Arnaldo Bonilla & Associates Attorneys. They will prepare all documentation once we make a purchase decision when in CR. They were recently, the Costa Develpers’ brochure says, rated one of the top three firms in the country by Noticieros, one of the leading financial publications in Central America.

    Do I still need my own attorney, I wonder..



    Hi Violetta,

    I spoke with Mr. Bonilla and he apprears to be an up-front attorney. However he does work for Costa Developers and considering that fact, I would feel more comfortable with my own attorney reviewing the purchase documents.

    I did a title search with Jose Fernandez and received his report last Wednesday. After reviewing his doc I had four questions pertaining to the info he provided which I promptly e mailed to him. As of Monday afternoon I have not recieved his reply and will e mail a friendly reminder after this post.

    One of my concerns (I have no reason to suspect) is the possibility of Costa Developers ceasing development of this property for some reason. Since I won’t have title for two years, could I lose my money and thus the lots I purchased? When I hear from Mr. Fernandez I’ll let you know.

    Scott, I did purchase your book from Amazon and I hope it provides me with additional insight and knowledge. Can’t wait till it arrives.




    Jose was offered and has accepted a position with the largest, most powerful law firm in Costa Rica – Facio & Cañas so he’s had a few things on his plate this last week or so… PLEASE do try contacting him again

    Scott Oliver


    Just for the record, I have never heard of ‘Noticieros’, who are they? Where are they based?

    Scott Oliver


    Hi Nera:

    Have you received a response to your additional questions from Mr. Bonilla? We are trying to get tickets (not easy) to go and see the lot (we have 60 days to make a decision, as per the contract.

    Also, how did you receive the “folio number”? I have a “lot number” in the contract we signed – is that the same thing..?

    Hope you have a moment to respond. Thanks a lot in advance!



    Hi Violetta;

    I have a little more info which I can share so I’m going to authorize Scott to forward you my E mail address. I believe the mutual interest we share would be better discussed outside the forum. Thanks and talk soon.


    Haven’t heard from you as of this date. Did Scott forward you my address?

    Edited on Jul 19, 2006 11:47


    Jill & Scott,

    Please provide your thoughts regarding Costa Developers Costa Montana and Costa Esterillos projects. I was told by their Attorney that “the lots are in the process of registration. What I will receive when I sign the contract is an original master plan, which shows the subdivision and exact location of each parcel. At closing (when I pay in full in two years) I will receive all the rest of the documents.”

    Scott, I read your book and I don’t believe you covered this type of transaction. Is this type of purchase common with land developers and without a registered survey and folio number, how do I know what I’ve purchased?


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