2nd Passports?

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    Is it true that you can get a 2nd Passport from other countries? I see these places online that charge you to do it but I think they are all scams. Is there a way to go about it thru the Costa Rican Gov yourself? I am tired of fighting with the USA Gov about getting my passport back. Long story but the short and sweet version is, they took my passport away from nonpayment of child support, now dont go bashing me for not paying it until you hear the rest of the story. I have 100% DNA proof its not mine, I have never even met the mother and she even says its not mine, It was a computer file glitch at the court house and that was ten years ago and we both have ben fighting it since. The USA Gov just dosnt want to admit their mistakes and I have spent a fortune on lawyer to fix it so far and to no avail, nothing is fixed yet. So I want to leave the USA and she does to because of this. The USA Gov has got too carried away with thier power.

    So Can I get a Passport there without having one here first?


    Bloody hell! What a nightmare!

    I doubt very much that you could get a passport without having one yourself. The other problem that you ‘may’ have is even to get a regular residency visa, you would have to produce a clean Police Report and sounds like that’s probably been screwed up for you too…

    Good luck to you.

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    I have two passports but it’s not that easy to do — I certainly wouldn’t try to get one from some of the countries that advertise that they will give you one for $5000 — gotta be a scam in there somewhere. Sounds like you’re stuck. Bummer!


    That is scam, probley a fake pass port that they are advertising.
    The Costa Rican goverment is changing their rules on the police report that you will need to get residency. Instead of a state report they are going to require a National Report (FBI national report) This will screw you up because you have lost your pass port for child support.

    Good luck!


    Actually, I read one article that said you could buy a real Italian/EU passport for $50,000. An EU passport is the most desirable, but there are other little offshore countries that are supposedly sponsoring this practice of paying to have another passport so that some of this money goes into their coffers. I’ll sell you my EU passport for $40,000! jejeje (just kidding of course!)


    If you have an immediate relative in the U.K., mother father or grand parent, you would be entitled to a U.K. / EU passport. I am sure that you have already considered this. In the event you haven’t…………….


    So you never met the mother until you were told that you were the father or her child. This was ten years ago and you and she have been fighting this “computer glitch” ever since.

    Now, you and she have a relationship. It sounds as though you’re living together. What I want to know is, who’s been reporting you for non-payment of support?

    Your story sounds fishy to me. If you need to leave the country, try Mexico or Canada. You won’t need a passport.



    Im guessing that you didnt read it closely enough then. I have never met her, then or now. Just thru phone calls trying to fix the situation. Im in Florida, Shes in Iowa, the courts dont talk back and forth to each other at all. Ten years of lawyers fighing the states errors. Im not living with her, Where did you get that from? The states are fighthing each other over who gets the money. Read it again slowly and you will see this.


    He’d better leave soon for Mexico or Canada because at the end of the year a passport is required to leave the country no matter where you’re going.


    You know what really sucks about the whole thing about my own government screwing me over like this is??? I worked for the government for 22 years. 12 in the Marines and 10 for Homeland Security. This is the way they treat you? Even my boss at the Homeland Security office cant fix the problem and he tried. Its states fighting over who gets the money and the rights to claim you as another number to add to their deadbeat list in order to receive more federal money. Your only a number here.


    I picked up the idea that you were in a relationship because you wrote that you both wanted to leave the States. You didn’t mention that she was half a continent away. That makes your story even more bizarre.

    I’m still having a problem understanding how you were reported for non-payment of support. If she agrees that the child isn’t yours, did some third party report you? I also don’t understand how the states are supposed to get the money. Isn’t support money supposed to go to the mother and child?

    I apologize if I’m jumping to the wrong conclusions, but that’s a common problem when you make a long story short.



    Since you live in Florida, I would Contact my US Senator, Mel Martinez is a good guy. IF you live in Bill Youngs (US REP) district that would even be better. If you don’t know who your US rep is find out , These guys can fix anything just be nice, state you case and watch it happen. However I wouldn’t tell them you want to leave the country permantly, just get your passport back. (They want your vote remember)


    Allready tried him and also Senator Bill Nelson, They cant get involved with Intrastate problems. Thats their excuse. It involves 2 different states and no one wants to step up and say anything negative against child support around here. Its a political suicide to bad mouth, complain, or try to change anything when it involves Child Support. Thanks for the thought.


    Have you considered taking up residency in the mother’s state for a while? That way there will not be 2 states involved, and they should be more helpful to you in resolving this issue. I understand you probably don’t want to live there permanently, but this has been a 10-year nightmare, and what’s a few months if it clears things up to get your passport back?


    You worked for Homeland Security for 10 years? Did I read that correctly?

    Wasn’t the Homeland Security Department set up after 9/11 ?

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