Health Care in northern Guanacaste coast area ?

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    There is so much building going on from Tamirindo up to Hermosa, lots of new homes, condos, etc., and yet I hear nothing about health care. Is there a hospital, doctors that speak English, quality emergency care, etc. So many of the new residents are older retirees, 60’s and older, and I find it hard to believe they would locate in an area where if they had a heart attack, stroke, broken bone, etc., quality health care would not be available. With all of my questionning on different sites, the only thing I could come up with was an Emergency Clinic in Huacas. Can anyone help me out here with knowledge of health care in that area. We love it there, and are considering buying, but is it smart to be so far away from quality (or any) health care. Thanks for your input.


    Cesca, I work in Tamarindo and live in Playa Conchal. At the current time, I know of 3 24-hour emergency clinics within 5-15 minutes of my house. The nearest hospitals are in Nicoya and Liberia. The one in Nicoya is a bit closer. These are both public hospitals about 45 minutes to an hour away respectively. I have been told that talks about a private hospital coming to Liberia is coming. I agree that a new hospital is needed in a central location, such as Belen, Santa Cruz or Huacas (towns off the main roads which lead to Tamarindo, Flamingo, etc..). Hope this helps.

    Edited on Dec 17, 2006 09:42


    About 3 years ago a few of us, World Vision volunteers, spent a weekend in Playa Flamingo. One of us got sick and we all (4)went to the clinic in Huacas. The doctor spoke English, was pleasant and efficient, sent us on to the hospital in Liberia. There we had a longer wait but were taken care of in a kind and gentle manner. (not much English but competent care and free medication) I wouldn’t worry overly much about the quality of care as long as you have someone to drive.

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