San Jose

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    Is anyone familiar with this area in San Jose:
    Barrio Chrystal, La Uruca, San Jose? There is a beautiful home there for sale which my husband is considering purchasing. Since I am still in the US, all I can go by is the picture. My husband is in love with the house but we have an 11 & 14 yr old. I don’t know if there might not be a better choice for one with children.


    is your husband in costa rica


    Deb, Before you make a decision you have to get down there yourself to see if you can live there. Especially with two kids. You might be better off renting first in the area you think you will want to live in. Most people will tell you that is a wise way to proceed when moving to a new country. Not to many things worse than getting stuck with a home in a foreign country and having to try to sell to get out. I’ve been told most homes are on the market for one and a half years in CR before they get sold.


    Hi Deb,

    According to a map I have of all the barrios in the Cantón of San José, it is located directly across the highway from Migración. It’s between the Parque de Diversiones and Hospital Mexico, just off main street that connects them. Here’s my map from the Muni you can check out, it’s number 714 – color sky blue.

    If you have Google Earth you can see an overhead view of it at these coordinates:

    9 deg 57 min 20 sec North LAT
    84 deg 07 min 05 sec West LON

    If you don’t have Google Earth you can download it here:

    I too will say that you really need to spend some time here before you make the decision. As for deciding on a neighborhood and house, consider traffic, noise and the proximity to all of your necessities. When considering the latter, even a few blocks can mean a world of difference when making your daily runs. For example, if your supermarket is on the other side of a main street and crossing it is always a real pain, you might find yourself asking why you didn’t choose the other side.


    Thank you so much!!


    The good and bad news about this area is that it’s at the western crossroads of San Jose, where the road to downtown, Alajuela, and the “beltline” intersect.

    Also, there’s only one way out of this neighborhood, and during rush hour it’s a real bottleneck. So unless you’re going to the Parque de Diversiones, or to Hospital Mexico after falling off one of the rides, you’re better off staying at home from 7-9 a.m. and 4-6 p.m.

    If I remember correctly, that barrio does have a guard shack and a railroad track style gate at the entrance. However, I would not consider it a “gated” community. This type of security is common in many neighborhoods, but not sufficient to leave your house unattended.

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