Any information on Paragon Properties

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    We are interested in purchasing some property owned by Paragon, has any one had any dealings with them, good or bad?? Thanks


    I hope you’re kidding! Lol!!


    Run as fast as you can!!!

    I have seen their head quaters and will not send any of my clients to them. If you like the high pressure sales and communitys that look like california than go for it. They have a room for the customer service with about 30 people on the phones all day.

    Personally I was contacted for months after I visted and they would tell me to buy fast because the prices were moving upwards.

    I would highly suggest other developers that are smaller and have a much better reputation.


    Please use the ‘Search’ facility on this site and search for ‘Paragon’ and you’ll find dozens of pages of information and Discussion Forum postings.

    Scott Oliver – Founder of
    And author of ‘How To Buy Costa Rica Real estate Without Losing Your Camisa.’


    I own several lots with Paragon and I have had nothing but good feelings from them. They have been exceptional at helping me to get to my dreams of retiring in beautiful Costa Rica.


    I was contacted by Paragon a couple months ago. I also dealt with them and had a positive experience. Google sent me a news release about Paragon from La Nacion newspaper the other day:

    Seems like the company is doing a lot for the Parrita area in my humble opinion.


    This is a press release written and submitted by Paragon as you can see from the bottom of the article and distributed by a company called PRWeb which distributes zillions of these per day to zillions of different news places.

    La Nacion is a Spanish language newspaper so it is way unlikely it was in that paper.

    Every person we know who has been contacted by this company has given us no good news. The reason you do not see more negative comments is that whenever negative things come up about the company in a forum in Costa Rica, they threaten that person with legal action (including me in another forum) which kind of makes people just sit back and say ‘why should I bother?’

    How many homes in total has Paragon built so far in Costa Rica?

    William Gale

    You are correct that this was written by us but only as a translation of what was written in spanish in La Nacion. We do not threaten legal action against anyone unless they misuse this or any other forum to misstate the facts or attempt to injure our business. We are working with one of the largest builders in Costa Rica and are preparing for 12 million dollars of work in our communities. We have worked very hard over the last couple of years to be good neighbors but some continue to wish to distort who and what we are. The facts are clear visit our site and see for yourself (Web address removed by a moderator). Please feel free to visit our offices either in Costa Rica or Hollywood Fl.
    Find the time to visit our properties and see for youself why the article was written.


    I know quite a few people that live in Parrita. When I mentioned that I wanted to know what Paragon has done to help the people, they didn’t know so would you please tell us?
    Stanley Putra
    Bandera Beach Estates

    Edited on Feb 14, 2007 16:03


    Just curious, what is it that Paragon has done that has everyone so p***** off?


    One of the reasons is that we normally have to ask Billy Gale the same simple question a few times before he answers it. We should be honored though as he is probably the only Chairman we have in the forum.

    How many homes in total has Paragon built so far in Costa Rica?


    I think building permits in Parrita are a matter of public record.
    We are putting in for 2 building permits for 2 model homes and within 2 more weeks we should have the papers to apply for 23 more. If we have time we will look in the public books.


    I think you may have this wrong on Paragon, they are selling lots, and then it is up to the lot owners to build a house. Paragons obligation is to build out the infrastructure etc…they are not selling homes, although apparently they will build for you if you choose. I think this is the case, maybe i’m wrong. I’m niether supporting them or against them, just think we should be fair. I understand why some people dislike these big gringo run companies, but lets not get personal.

    William Gale

    Thank you Lotus you are quite accurate. We offer the home site and it is up to the customer to build. We do offer to construct housing and would very much like to be their home builder. Our web site shows all of the models that we offer. Our office in San Jose shows all of the home products which are available. Many of our customers have indicated that they will start the home selection process and construction within the next several months. We look forward to being in Costa Rica and providing beautiful communities at affordable prices for our customers. We welcome all of your comments.


    I get confused easily because the names sound the same as Paragon, It sounds like They are big players in the Parrita area and up and coming is Bandera Beach Estates.
    Stanley Putra

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