Sarchi Furniture Maker / Wrought Iron Artesian

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    I’m planning a return trip to CR in August to order/commission/purchase furniture for a condo we have under construction in Playa Panama. Can anyone recommend any of the furniture makers in Sarchi?

    In addition we would like to have a wrought iron chandelier and table made. Does anyone have the name of a wrought iron artesian in Guanacaste or elsewhere?

    Thank you in advance for your responses.


    I am assuming you tried the gentleman in Sarchi that I recommend at ??

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    We have Cuyo Rodriguez on our list of stops. Thanks Scott.


    I only mentioned them, I did not recommend them since I have never bought anything from them:

    I did recommend ‘Muebles Rústicos Torres’ where I stated that:

    “We liked the many photographs shown to us of their wall units, sideboards and parctically everything else and were even more impressed with ‘tejida’ (woven) style doors that they used on much of their furniture. So we chose to work with Carlos Torres of Muebles Rusticos Torres who is assisted by his incredibly professional and efficient wife Patrica (their telephone number in Costa Rica is (506) 454-3350) who made our kitchen cabinets for us.”

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    This site might help you with regards to showing you what is available and cost.


    Dear jwmoore:
    I work for an Interior Design firm – NAME DELETED – . If you need anything we will be very glad to help you.
    If you want to go to Sarchi I recommend you to check:
    1. What type of wood are they using?
    2. If the piece is glue or screw?
    3. What kind of fabrics are they using?
    4. If they know the difference between the furniture for a beach condo instead a city condo?
    5. And the most important question… If they have a WARRANTY for that furniture and fabrics they are using? How it works?

    A lot of companies and people offers furniture but there are only a few that really knows what they are doing.
    Look closely and check every detail. Ask for a “factura timbrada” or a bill with the company info. Try to go with a costarican to negotiate prices to avoid “the blue eyes price”. And don’t forget to ask about delivery an installation fees from the beginning.
    Good Luck!


    Susana Rodriguez – You will NOT use my forum to solicit business – last warning.

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    Dear Scott:
    I’m sorry if you saw my comment it that way. I mentioned that I work for a firm because that way she will be sure I know what I’m talking about. I’m concerned about people recommending Sarchi furniture for Guanacaste because I know for a fact is not good quality for a long term and for that weather conditions. I usually give furniture advice to a lot of people for free, because my partner and I have been seeing so many disappointed families that spend a lot of money in their house furniture and it look good for a couple of months and then everything started to open, discolor, etc.
    My boyfriend is American and one of the things that I being helping him with since he moved here was to avoid what he calls “the blue eye price” I thought also that was a very important thing for her to know. If you misinterpret my comment I apologize about it.

    Thank God our business is going well, one of the reasons is because we are committed to be honest and transparent to our clients and they see that in us. I thought that I didn’t need to lie about what I do. I thought that if you are looking for advice you will like to heard from somebody with the experience to really help you.


    You asked me in a private email why I wished you luck with your marketing campaign in another thread. I think anyone can see that you are marketing your business here. Even Scott is warning you now. I do not think you should be telling people what to buy and giving Sarchi furniture a bad name just because you want make a few more bucks with your own furniture line. It is obvious that you are doing the wrong thing.


    Dear Mary:
    Thank God we don’t need to lie to people to make “a few more bucks” as you said. Right know we don’t sell retail, we are working only with developers, so I can sell some pieces to anybody.
    About Sarchi stuff if you like it and want to buy from it,be my guest. I was just trying to give her an advice to look first, know what you need to buy and don’t get ripped off like a lot of americans that I know.
    And I ask you in an email how do you know about my marketing background because I thought I met you in a furniture store in Liberia.


    This is after the fact for the original poster but others can gain from it:

    I’ve heard quite a few times that Brenes & also Malaya in Sarchi are two of the better priced furnitures makers (per a few people that know as well as 2 people in Sarchi)


    We purchased a bed and nightstand from ‘Muebles Rústicos Torres’ and are very happy with it. When he delivered it from Sarchi to Atenas (free), he took time to properly set up the bed. In addition, we bought a boxspring and a good quality mattress mattress from him for a great price(I think that he may have a “distributors license” to sell the Jiron products). We are happy with that shop and will purchase further items there.

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