Flamingo Marina

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    Hi Scott et al. I read the article on this site that describes the new proposed Flamingo Marina. How likely is it that this actually ever gets completed. I know in the past there have been some infrastructure projects that been planned but not come to fruition…I am just curious if this project will be similar. Also, if this project goes ahead…what are the odds that the Monkey Road gets paved?


    This looks very real grifz77 and I have asked that Becky – our Recommended Realtor who lives near the area – to send me ‘any’ photographs of ‘any’ progress whenever she has them …

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    Do you mean the Congo trail? Wow that was some ride and I can’t imagine that ever getting paved.


    I am not certain if “the monkey road” is the same as the “congo trail” but the condition of the road sounds similar. The road I am referring to is from the Flamingo area to Sardinal. There were rumors of this getting paved, I just thought that it may actually happen now. It would certainly cut down the drive time between Liberia and Flamingo.


    Having been a regular on the “Monkey Trail” for a couple of years now here’s my take. The trip from Flamingo-Potrero to Liberia is actually in two sections. Firstly, the real bumpy section over the mountain from Potrero to Nuevo Colon. Part two is Nuevo Colon to Sardinal. The “part two” portion is much more likely to get paved. Why? Probably because it leads to Cacique — the $800 million future project and part of the Steve Case, Revolution company. By the way, the trip from Flamingo to Daniel Oduber via Huacus is about one hour due to the now excellent condition of the roads. The Monkey trail route is roughly 50-minutes. So unless you really like bumpy rides, go the paved route.


    Hello all. I do personally believe that this Marina project will get done. It is simply a very important and necessary project for our area. It took us this long to get here… I will be happy to send photos of any progress as it happens, but realistically it will take some time to ‘see’ some noticeable difference. I drive the area almost daily. Also, the road that is supposed to be paved is la “Ruta del Sol” which is the road that runs from Playa Penca north to Playa Zapotal area. This route runs along the Pacific Coast and will join the Rosewood Hotel, The Ritz and the RIU projects. The “Monkey Trail” (aka Congo Trail) is also supposed to be paved, however, I don’t see this happening for a few years realistically. The Ruta del Sol is more important for the time being, however I was told that the government and private entities are budgeting for some pavement in the future. That would be nice, considering that the adventure on the Monkey trail is not worth the 10 minutes you save to get to the airport IMHO. Becky

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