Scott Invests in Downtown San Jose?

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    You made a comment that you have a small investment in San Jose? Why hasn’t anyone taken some older buildings and converted them to Condos. It just seems to me that there is no historic buildings in SJ. Why do you think that is. Compared to other Capitols in even poorer countrys, the downtown dates back 100s of years?
    Stan Putra


    Just or the record, I did not actually say that it was “small.”. I mentioned in the 30th May newsletter that: “I have personally made a significant investment in San Jose residential real estate…” Well it’s significant for me anyway Stan …

    But, I agree 100%. “Why” indeed?

    All countries have capital cities which have seen beaten down areas rejuvenated and I do absolutely believe that there are real PRIME areas in San Jose that are poised for significant growth in the not so distant future. I will also be writing more about these areas – and doing more online videos featuring the areas in the not so distant future…

    In the past, many developers simply moved further out to build but with land prices becoming higher, now they are building up rather than out…

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    Take a look at today’s La Nacion newspaper (Spanish) [ ] where you will read how the mayor of San Jose speaks about 15 new condominium and office towers that will be built soon in San Jose.

    A new 18 floor, building with 70 offices and 680 parking spaces is announced too… Should be completed by December 2009

    This is why I have invested in San Jose real estate.

    Scott Oliver – Founder



    What about all the traffic problems? Are they doing anything to fix that? Any chance of a subway system in the future?


    They have spoken about expanding the existing, very limited rail system which I think could be a great idea – Subways would be cost prohibitive.

    As for traffic, the new ‘intelligent’ traffic lights have certainly helped and they are making some changes with bus routes etc., which may help but I honestly don’t hold out much hope that we will never have heavy traffic here…

    The area I have invested in is the very west of San Jose around Parque La Sabana which is – no question about it – being transformed at the moment with various towers sprouting up.

    Having lived on the Upper West side in Manhattan, next door to Central Park, I think of this particular area as San Jose’s ‘Central Park’ except without the bad weather, the outrageous five figure monthly coop/condo fees and staggering property taxes.

    What capital city doesn’t have heavy traffic?

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    I would think that building a subway system would be a snap. Half the excavation is already done. All they’d have to do is link up the existing potholes.


    Ha! Thanks for making me laugh out loud this morning David…


    Chinatown in San Jose – According to the Municipality of San Jose and the Chinese-Costa Rican Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the south side of San Jose will be dedicated to Chinese business, food, and culture. Last year, when Costa Rica renewed its diplomatic relations with Beijing, the Chinese announced their desire to enhance their cultural presence here. Additionally, the National Stadium has been demolished and the Chinese have agreed to replace it with a new modern facility that will become the hub of the Chinatown project. Chow Mae!


    But the stadium is a long way from where they want to have their Chinatown Tom….

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