Ebay land for sale in Puerto Viejo

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  • #191505

    This is my first post as i am trying to find out if anyone on this board is familiar with the land being sold on the Ebay website that is in the Puerto Viejo area..
    The land is being sold by a man named Michael Leu and the sellers ID is *mysidething*..a number of these lots have sold already and in reading all the links provided on the auction i am confused by the process required to put the land into my own name.I am seeking a reputable real estate attorney who perhaps has first hand knowledge of these properties that can guide me through the process.Any help would be greatly appreciated!Thanks so much..!


    You will find numerous, very negative comments about this man and his World Wide Land Investment Co. group on another forum at:

    with Google Earth maps of the development and at

    Please come back and let us know what you think?

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    I see any reference to the land or person i was referring too..If you were to go onto the Ebay website under *real estate* and then *costa Rica* you will see auctions for the land being sold under the Ebay users name,*mysidething*….

    So far i havent been able to get any concrete information as to whom i might hire in Costa Rica to look into this for me..!
    Thanks though…


    Google search time taken – Approximately 25 seconds. Perhaps you could have taken the 25 seconds off your own life instead of wasting ours – Duh!

    Why not see Re: USA Land Invest Michael Leu-Rip Off Artist-Wanted [ http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/295/RipOff0295363.htm ]

    “Bought (what I thought) was property from this guy Micheal Leu over 2 years ago for almost $10,000 in Costa Rica. I had nothing but problems trying to resolve issues with it in CR, and know of one woman from Florida that had the same problem. I spent another $10,000 in legal fees and travel expenses trying to fix things over 2 years and got no where. Titles are worthless down there as toilet paper. STAY OUT OF CR!

    I Was told by Micheal Leu that I was given clear and unabated title, and all it was a document that was all phony. He said he would give money back, but never did, and then concocted a story that I tried to steal his land from him. He is a crook and a hustler and sells property in the USA too. ‘USA LAND INVEST’, NOT ‘USA LAND’.

    The freaky thing too is Micheal Leu holds himself out as a man of the ‘cloth’. Yeah!

    I am still working the the Ohio Attorney Generals office to prosecute this phony. DO NOT BUY ANYTHING from Micheal Leu or ‘USA LAND INVEST’

    My experience was nothing but a disaster!”

    Irvington, New Jersey

    This is a company that we have all heard about in Costa Rica but they are very aggressive legally to try and shut people up so only a few people have the balls to speak up.

    If this all sounds good to you, I have beachfront property in San Jose I could sell you at only $500M2 and you KNOW most beach front property is going for a lot more than that right?



    Oh i am so sorry for *wasting your time*..i had already seen that report,i neglected to mention it..i wasnt expecting such a rude comment when i joined this forum,just a courteous reply perhaps…are you the board administrator,bradbard?

    In the future,i will be certain to word my comments carefully so that it doesnt insult your superior intellligence.Have a lovely day.

    If there is anyone else who might know a reputable real estate attorney that can be trusted,please let me know.Thanks.


    Bradbard is NOT an Administrator and he is NOT a Moderator on this site but he is a bit forthright with his opinions and he has been advised (as of two minutes ago) to tone down his comments …

    There are plenty of reputable Costa Rica attorneys whom we could recommend to you but the fact of the matter is that I don’t know any that would be willing to spend their valuable time looking into this for you ….

    What exactly is that you want an attorney to do for you?

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    No worries

    my comment was directed towards his reply,i was fully aware that he wasnt the administrator,as a Costa Rican attorney is needed to help with the transfer of property from the seller to myself,i thought perhaps someone here could provide a name i could contact.

    I realize that an attorney is not free..and i was not expecting free anything.

    In further exploration of my options,and in emailing some other people since joining this board earlier today,i think i have found someone who will assist me.

    I do realize however,that joining this board was a mistake,and will delete my membership now,i hope that in the future a little bit of thought given towards the comments posted in here by others is at least given some semblance of *benefit of the doubt* before jumping to conclusions…


    Wonder if this guy is just looking to get some free advertising for these lots for sale? Because who in there right state of mind would buy land in Costa Rica off e bay? I just had a not great experience buying some used “mint” condition Titleist pro v1 golf balls! lol. Not quite what was advertised but in my case I gave them to a friends son.


    One hundred fifty years ago or so, P.T. Barnum observed that there is a sucker born every minute, Lotus. What with the population explosion since then, I’m afraid the incidence is now much higher. Clearly, our correspondent is demonstrating that he’s one.

    As a matter of fact, a well known local real estate agent here in Grecia sold his own home here on eBay a couple of years ago. Yep, it happens.


    Hi! I just joined this group yesterday! I must learn more about Costa Rica and am wondering if all the “duh’s” on Brad are a local thing down there, or does he have some dysfunction?


    Welcome Bree.

    As far as I know from his postings Bradbard is not a Tico, he’s an American.

    I do not know him personally although we all know he expresses some strong opinions, some of which we not agree with and others I am 100% in agreement with but, he certainly lacks patience and can be somewhat abrupt…

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    I can thoroughly understand Bradbard’s Duh! factor. People show up on Costa Rica info boards, present the name of a company that has a scurulous reputation at best, with said company having a list of very dissatisfied customers who were fleeced out of their money by some fast-talking weasel, and despite all the warnings and websites with legal proceddings posted in detail, they STILL want to buy property from people who have been indicted for fraud and have a resume of failed business dealings that have cost people millions of dollars. All that aside, they haven’t even been to Costa Rica, don’t know anything about the property being advertised, and are willing to throw away their money for something advertised on ebay (or other internet sites, or TV, or in a flyer). What else can you say but DUH!? Who in their right mind does this? Any rationale for doing a deal like this defies all logic.


    Good Day, I agree with the last comment (maravilla). Yet there is something more to this negative posted message from “duh”, why give a bad name to Costa Rica if someone has not taken the opportunity to follow all proper advices given in this excellent web site? It is very easy to blame it on Costa Rica, but should it really be blamed on the people that despite warning articles and despite their own common sense they move forward and purchase property without proper legal representation. Please dont blame Costa Rica for your own mistakes!!!


    Hello! I have looked at the Ebay lots for sale and the guy has 300+ raving positive reviews by buyers over a span of a few years. There is ONE rip off report, repeated on all the rip off sites/yahoo. So, I could understand why 300 vs. 1 would give “benefit of the doubt” to a person wanting to live in CR.
    There really wasn’t a reason to be rude on this forum to someone asking for legal assistance. I hope it all works out for him!!

    John Demaso

    BradBard…New Jersey?…Go figure….

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