recomending a doc a dentist in central valley

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    hello gang or should i say pura vida?
    as i mentioned before my wife and i are relocating to your new country at the end of the month and we were wondering if you could recomend a md(gp) a dentist and even a nerologist…if we get to talk to scott we’ll ask him for the place to buy single malts too..we saw a video recomemding a doc from harvard on this site but don’t recall what his name was or even which video it was..
    mucho gracias thanks
    FRANK and ANNA


    Doing a search for Doctor on the site will lead you to a number of related articles including ‘Costa Rica Family Doctor – Free online video with one of the “best, most caring Doctors we’ve ever encountered.” ‘ at [ ]

    Doing a search for Dentist on the site will lead you to a number of related articles including ‘Costa Rica Dentist In Paradise (Escazu) Saved Me $18,000 ‘ at [ ]

    I bought the Lagavulin and Ardbeg (not available here) at the Duty Free shop in Guatemala City on the way back from Guatemala. The best single malts available here (IMHO) are Caol Ila and Talisker).

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    Scara, it would help if you’d tell us where you’ll be located. We have a good general practitioner here in Grecia, but if you’re in San Jose that won’t help much.


    thats just it..we have not picked one spot…just going to see all of the central valley for the first year and rent year i will invest in something in the meantime we want to access the wonderful health care thats become soo unaffordable in NEW YORK so thanks dm we’ll take any and all the recomendations we can get
    FRANK A.K.A SCARA and wife anna


    Well, if you’re not committed to a location yet, then I would suggest that you’ll find the broadest range of English-speaking practitioners affiliated with CIMA Hospital in Escazu. If access to CIMA is essential to you, then that may help make your decision about where to locate.

    tango india

    +1 on the CIMA Hospital suggestion.
    Hospital Clinica Biblica also has good doctors and facilities.
    As far as dentists go, I recommend Clinica Gil, in Escazu. World class dentists there. 22886060 is the phone number I got for them.


    Here in Grecia, we have a perfectly acceptable general practice physician and a fine general practice dentist. Her brother, the periodontist, teaches at Baylor University School of Dentistry and practices in Grecia part-time. We also have a visiting endodontist who did a fine (read: “painless”) job on a root canal for me last month.

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