Concessions or Plano Reglador on La Playa Bandera

Home Forums Costa Rica Living Forum Concessions or Plano Reglador on La Playa Bandera

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  • #197845

    Has anyone out there have property between Mojon N 24 and Majon N 28 on La Playa Bandera in Parrita? Does anyone know a sharp Real Estate Attorney that speaks english and is familiar with the area? Scott you gave me the name of an abogada that grew up in the area and I am sorry I Misplaced it.
    Muchas Gracias Gracias
    Racine, Wi. USA


    I don’t know the numbers for my mojones, but I might be able to be of help. Give me an idea of which property you are looking at.
    And what kind of help you need. I will see if my CR attorney can help. He and his family have a lot in Bandera.

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