Nice Hotel

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  • #198676

    I am looking to stay at a nice hotel for 3 days
    with a pool , While i am looking for property in
    San Isidro de El General,
    I will be taking a Bus to get there and hope to meet up with Victor (Realtor) I hope he shows this time.
    Willem 😉


    I would be interested why you are giving Victor another chance to not show up?:?:


    It has been 18 months since i was in that area, so he is now 18 months older and i hope wiser, Some people pay more attention
    when they get older, Do you have some one else in mind.


    No Sir i do not have anyone to recommend. Let us know if he shows up. Thanks


    As off to day I have had NO response of( Victor Guerrero ) The Realtor
    But I did get word back from 3 other Realtors who do Check
    there E Mail even during the Holidays and have setup meetings
    For January, I will let you know if he sends me a E-Mail 👿
    Happy New Year to All


    Isn’t Victor Guerrero one of the “recommend realtors” on here? If so, that’s not so good!


    Victor Guerrero is indeed one of our Recommended Realtors and the feedback we’ve had from the people he has helped has been overhelmingly positive as you’ll see from his bio’ page on this site…

    I have no idea why he has not responded to your email or, whether his email was filtered out by your ISP which often happens to emails originating from Costa Rica.



    Give the guy a break…. it’s the Christmas season… unlike all of us posting here during the holidays he might have a life! LOL

    Give him a day or two… I’m sure he’ll get back to you… there’s not that much business or money out there these days that anyone in the business:D can afford NOT to follow up on a sales lead!


    If indeed Victor [i]responded to your email[/i], saying [i]he would indeed be available[/i] to show you a particular property, on said [i]day & time[/i], then he would be expected to be there.
    Then, if you arrive there and he doesn’t show at the specified time, change agents.
    But, many [i]tourists[/i] think that these agents should be available 24/7, and all they want to do is look around with no real intention to make a purchase.


    I see, Since None of you where in my place at that time ,
    And I did have a day set, Driving from San Jose to San Isidro
    calling his cell Phone and leaving numerous messages and not meeting me in town and then speaking with his wife 2 times and then asking him to return my call and then 18 months later still not getting a call back, Sure the Holidays, [b]I[/b] under stand , and [b]i[/b] am a very patient person and have no problem with waiting until next week, And [b]I[/b] unlike some people have 100 % intention to buy but not the first property i see. More than like lee i will get another Agent.
    Happy Holidays to you 😉


    Willem, I was responding to this next appointment.
    But, by what you have just stated at the previous instance, I would never have contacted him again. Just because he is a [i]’recommended'[/i] realtor of this site, it doesn’t mean anything if he doesn’t follow through, and I would advise you to contact some of the better ones out there.
    Good luck!


    You might want to look at Hotel Zima, Thomas. It’s right across the InterAmericana from the Delji Chicken stand at the north end of town.


    Do they have a web site , so i can see the Hotel,
    Sorry Scott it’s only info. 😆


    I didn’t see any on a Google search, however there are several reviews from travel sites.


    You could ask the other agents about hotels, that you said responded to your query regarding properties.

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