Drug smuggling in Central America

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    Love him or hate him, it is difficult to disagree with what Ortega in Nicaragua says about drugs in the U.S.

    Ortega said the spread of regional drug violence was rooted in the U.S.’ inability to control its drug consumption.

    “Why don’t they concentrate their resources on controlling the consumption of drugs in their country?” he added. “While they continue to fail to control the consumption of drugs, they continue to contaminate and poison this region.”

    From Fridays Tico Times.

    Would you agree or disagree with this?


    yep. ortega’s right. but the war on drugs makes way too much money for a lot of people, so good luck getting that to end. if only the CIA would just get out of the drug business. . . .

    a lot of drugs come through central america on their way to europe now, too. those countries are awash in heroin, crack, and cocaine.


    [quote=”debbieincr”]Love him or hate him, it is difficult to disagree with what Ortega in Nicaragua says about drugs in the U.S.

    Ortega said the spread of regional drug violence was rooted in the U.S.’ inability to control its drug consumption.

    “Why don’t they concentrate their resources on controlling the consumption of drugs in their country?” he added. “While they continue to fail to control the consumption of drugs, they continue to contaminate and poison this region.”

    From Fridays Tico Times.

    Would you agree or disagree with this?[/quote]

    “Other than the shooting Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?”


    [quote=”debbieincr”]Love him or hate him, it is difficult to disagree with what Ortega in Nicaragua says about drugs in the U.S.

    Ortega said the spread of regional drug violence was rooted in the U.S.’ inability to control its drug consumption.

    “Why don’t they concentrate their resources on controlling the consumption of drugs in their country?” he added. “While they continue to fail to control the consumption of drugs, they continue to contaminate and poison this region.”

    From Fridays Tico Times.

    Would you agree or disagree with this?[/quote]

    I have to agree with him.
    On one side legalizing Marijuana would serve several purposes…
    1 ~ Make marijuana a domestic product. I have heard that what is grown in California is some of the best in the world.
    2 ~ Reduce the costs of prosecution and the prison population.
    3 ~ Tend to correct the import/export balance.

    On the other side considering the damage done to society maybe a mandatory death sentence for dealers in the harder drugs might tend to slow the trafficking. 😀


    On the other side considering the damage done to society maybe a mandatory death sentence for dealers in the harder drugs might tend to slow the trafficking. :D[/quote]

    Les, there’s already a mandatory death sentence for the top guys. It’s called their competitors.

    Seriously, though, the experience over a number of centuries is that the death penalty is a minor deterrent if it’s a deterrent at all. Nobody enters upon an illicit activity planning to be caught.


    Spot on David.

    I don’t agree at all with Danny boy.

    It has nothing to to with controlling the appetite for drugs.

    The world from shamans to vagrants has always been a drug culture.

    Anything that alters/impairs your preception consciouness is a drug.

    Some have been made illegal.

    Its not about controlling illegal drug and the appetitie for them. That appetite has / does / amd will always exist.

    All drugs should be legaal.

    Did prohibition work?


    Like Marvy said and I have said – there is too much money in the military industrial complex to change the status quo.

    That is you good little followers building your goverment so it supports the Military Industrial complex that maintains the status quo so it can keep making the rich mega rich!

    The Bill O types that want to stamp out any rekinlinding of a spark of civil disobedience do so to maintain the great US goverment that squanders YOUR money like a large version of the Costa Rican goverment – which it is!

    So all you good little followers that demonstrate your indocternation and fear of the US goverment exemplify your indoctrination by following the rules here too. Maybe the CR goverment can grow up to be jusy like its US counterpart?

    Wouldn’t that be nice.

    All you have to do is be complicent by your silence and rule following. easy no?


    I think the first step should be to legalize industrial hemp. It’s absurd that the most beneficial plant on this planet is illegal…and it doesn’t even get you high.



    MJ in its natural state, was used for medicine, some say, far healthier in low use then Xanax,etc.
    Ortega not all bad, seems to have changed a bit over yrs…
    Least we figure, CIA role in running drugs during Vietnam and from C/S American in 80’s…hook people, esp poor non-whites was the rule to cul them and also, to run money to the Contras…..worked out well for our world controllers…..bad for most people, cops shot dead to worry about MJ and inner cities and non-white communities esp hard hit….
    most men missing in prison or dead.
    Interesting story on MJ, how govt used media to lie about the ills of MJ, then call for it to be outlawed, yet made youth curious. Reefer Madness a part of propaganda…..
    Not saying “do drugs” or “smoke weed”, but again, many used it, esp Indians, for medicine for nerves,etc….unrelated to peyote,etc…..
    Ortega right, no market, no sales and he knows that markets created in part and run by US govt (certain corrupt officials,etc.). Again, during Nam, they shipped over drugs in body bags of soldiers killed.
    Some MJ now souped up in Govt or Big Biz labs, can be more dangerous, but in its orignal, natural form, could prove beneficial and yes, hemp I am told is great for many uses…..


    [quote=”2bncr”]Spot on David.

    I don’t agree at all with Danny boy.

    It has nothing to to with controlling the appetite for drugs.

    The world from shamans to vagrants has always been a drug culture.

    Anything that alters/impairs your preception consciouness is a drug.

    Some have been made illegal.

    Its not about controlling illegal drug and the appetitie for them. That appetite has / does / amd will always exist.

    All drugs should be legaal.

    Did prohibition work?


    Like Marvy said and I have said – there is too much money in the military industrial complex to change the status quo.

    That is you good little followers building your goverment so it supports the Military Industrial complex that maintains the status quo so it can keep making the rich mega rich!

    The Bill O types that want to stamp out any rekinlinding of a spark of civil disobedience do so to maintain the great US goverment that squanders YOUR money like a large version of the Costa Rican goverment – which it is!

    So all you good little followers that demonstrate your indocternation and fear of the US goverment exemplify your indoctrination by following the rules here too. Maybe the CR goverment can grow up to be jusy like its US counterpart?

    Wouldn’t that be nice.

    All you have to do is be complicent by your silence and rule following. easy no?[/quote]

    well put and spot on about who really controls and calls shots…careful though ,you might get labelled a racist garbage haterizer :D:lol:


    [quote=”DavidCMurrayLes, there’s already a mandatory death sentence for the top guys. It’s called their competitors.

    Seriously, though, the experience over a number of centuries is that the death penalty is a minor deterrent if it’s a deterrent at all. Nobody enters upon an illicit activity planning to be caught.[/quote]

    :lol::lol: on competitors comment
    Death penalty is largely not a deterrant other then to the dead guy…..does not address underlying society/family issues that may have played a role. Would agree with the late John Paul II, in modern times, the death penality is largely obsolete for other means to deter and to keep the dangerous out of society….the Ted Bundy’s, sure, he had a way of escaping and wreaking havoc……as a cop, recall being taught that when it comes to fleeing suspects, we could shoot in some instances-like mass murderers getting away,etc.
    The death penalty is often over-used and often, on minorities out of proportion to other killers that are affluent, white or both……
    Not 100% opposed to death penalty, but it is over used and other means often not explored amongst the “hand um high” couch vigilantes….


    [quote=”maravilla”]yep. ortega’s right. but the war on drugs makes way too much money for a lot of people, so good luck getting that to end. if only the CIA would just get out of the drug business. . . .

    a lot of drugs come through central america on their way to europe now, too. those countries are awash in heroin, crack, and cocaine.[/quote]

    exactly, big money that is not giving up easily…….some yrs ago, there was a LA reporter following the Contra-Cia-drug connections, he is now dead under mysterious circmustance with a lot of questions still out there and discrepancies……Webb was his name, I thnik…..
    anyone have a link to the Tico Times story?


    Just recalled, we had a fellow in my area that was growing pot in his house. Some one rated him out and our “inter-agency drug force” swooped down on his home. A fellow I know that went through police academy with me, nice guy and single father (wife and he divorced) was wounded slightly….grower? killed, shot right there.
    Maybe he knew they were cops and shot to protect his weed or what he perceived as his rights to grow his own weed.
    maybe-and in US this is happening more and more-the police did not announce nor produce a warrant, but kicked in the door. Beleive me, I hear my door kicked in and I am wear my .357 is, I would shoot anyone coming in armed….

    either way, over some weed, one guy is now dead and my former classmate was wounded, albeit, slight and likely shook up for a long time (few cops invovled in shootings are like in the movies, shurg off and off into sunset with the girl..)


    there was a LA reporter following the Contra-Cia-drug connections, he is now dead under mysterious circmustance with a lot of questions still out there and discrepancies……Webb was his name, I thnik…..
    anyone have a link to the Tico Times story?[/quote]

    Gary Webb was his name and he died from [b]two[/b] self-inflicted gunshot wounds to the head. his book was brilliant, but it cost him his career and probably his life.


    [quote=”maravilla”]there was a LA reporter following the Contra-Cia-drug connections, he is now dead under mysterious circmustance with a lot of questions still out there and discrepancies……Webb was his name, I thnik…..
    anyone have a link to the Tico Times story?[/quote]

    Gary Webb was his name and he died from [b]two[/b] self-inflicted gunshot wounds to the head. his book was brilliant, but it cost him his career and probably his life.[/quote]

    true that the book cost him, the “self inflicted” though is questionable, a lot of gaps and ? in evidence if I recall….a lot of truth tellers somehow wind up with “self inflicted” wounds….there was a Brit scientist that managed to put a couple of shots into himself with of all things a shotgun….not easy to do, most likely helped by observed other parties at the scene….Ortega, for good and bad, might need to stay under radar..Neocons in US would love to get a hold of him no doubt……Like Noriega….


    the problem with gary webb was that he exposed the CIAs drug running operation that was taking place in the early 70s, long before the Iran-Contra debacle. i was living in LA at the time and suddenly there was a flood of cocaine — everybody had it, everybody was doing it, and there were little tiny coke paraphenalia stores that sprung up in Beverly Hills that sold diamond studded coke spoons, fancy little bottles, and 18k gold razor blades to be worn around your neck on a chain. then an article appeared in the LA Times stating that the CIA had ruled that recreational use of cocaine was not habit-forming. well,, that was all it took and every doctor, lawyer, and politician i knew was doing it. gary was a brilliant journalist. he just got too close to the big boys but he also was mentally tortured by having his career in shambles, and as the story goes, was depressed, hence the two shots to the head. yeah, right, and i’m princess di!

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