20 Foot shipping container

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    Wondering if anyone knows where I could get a 20 foot shipping container. I have found only one contact and they are made into living accommodations. I just want the container, no changes to it. If someone could point me in direction, it would be great! I have Googled it and have not found anything! I don’t want to ship anything, just use it as storage on an empty lot. I see tons of them piled up near Caldera, just don’t know how to go about finding if they are sold outright….Any ideas?


    Those 20′ shipping containers may appeared to be “piled up” at Caldera but bet they are waiting for a vessel to arrive to load them back to their original origin…..Costa Rica’s import/export market is basically an import market and those mtys sit for return and not usually available for sale. (as info, I am an ex Costa Rica shipping company executive) jmm


    I wonder if the company in San Ramon that modifies containers might not be a source of one. Failing that, they might share their source with you.


    Just found this on [url=http://costarica.en.craigslist.org/for/2076832830.html]Craigs list[/url] plus others


    Thanks for all of the replies, I think I may have found one that is not costing almost $3000!!! The place in San Ramon lists theirs at $2800, then transport on top of that! They were much less than that is the past….. Ah, well, I guess everyone has to make a buck!


    I have bought more than 15 containers, and build with them and my clients as well. My first 40′ cost $1800 my last one cost me $3000. The price for a 40 and a 20 are about the same and the shipping is about the same (one truck, one container). Pricing and availability varies on the balance of trade moving in and out of CR. Lots of Chinese imports, and few exports = stockpiles of containers. Best way is to get other materials you need ready and ship them in the container to your site. If you need one I can give you my contact and she can get one. And no they don’t make much more than the processing fee to get it out of customs.

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