license plate renewals

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    barbara ann

    Just picked up our plates for our car, Our golf cart has to have them too, You pay 600 colones for the plates and decal for car or golfcart…plus 20500 colones for plates and decal for each of them. When you get your paperwork you need a copy of your passport and you sign a form when you leave the plate.
    There was no difference in fee for car or golf cart. you have a five day wait…In Jaco the local police will let you drive without your plate if you carry the paperwork from the post office. they were not sure about the transito police.


    When renewing plates: if the vehicle was registered using your passport info, take that. If registered using your [i]cedula[/i], you must produce the [i]cedula[/i] and [u]not[/u] your passport.

    barbara ann

    sorry I forgot that detail..our golf cart is in my name with my passport .our car is in my husbands name with his passport…such fun. starting to see the little bitty flag we paid 20500 plus 600 for on vehicles, would not want to be in line at the postoffice toward the end of the year


    (Two current threads on the same subject?)

    An article on this subject in today’s ‘’ starts out by saying that changing to the new alphanumeric plates is not obligatory, but then goes on to say that one must renew the plates anyway, (retaining all numeric format,) and quotes fixed costs – not dependent on vehicle type or age – for doing so. No mention of doing it through the post office.
    With apologies, given my limited Spanish, (estoy aprendiendo,) I may not have interpreted the ‘crhoy’ article accurately.

    barbara ann

    a friend that speaks spanish called the motor vehicle dept.this is what they told her:

    we called the department of motor vehicles and asked them because we were confused. They said that you must get the new plates, but that you have all of 2013 to do it.

    and you are right it is a fixed cost, as I said we paid the 600 colones plus 20500 for a golf cart and a is not valuation…I could not believe we had to pay the same for the golf cart as a car


    You [b]may[/b] also be able to apply for your new plates at a National registry facility, at least you could do this for regular ‘replacement’ plates, and it was faster.


    Latest information on the license plate renewal (pdf file for download):


    [quote=”elindermuller”]here it comes in English:
    Can you do it sooner than your designated period? My plates are so faded that I get stopped routinely and told I need to get new ones. Before going to RTV inspection last month I used a blue magic marker to “refresh” my plates. The guys there had good laugh at my artwork, but insisted I get new plates before next year’s inspection, But the designated replacement period for my plates ending in “6” is not until after next year’s required RTV inspection.


    Normally you have to do it by the list, but if RITEVE requires new plates then you should be able to do it ASAP.
    I will find out and let you know.


    We went to RETIVE on Friday, and they said, ‘wait your turn’.


    We went to RETIVE on Friday, and they said, ‘wait your turn’.


    Renewed my plates (ending in “2”) last month via post office and BCR. It meant being without plates for a week, therefore not legal to drive, but such an inconvenience was easy to plan around.


    Possibly, you were able to do it at that time, is because the ‘official’ renewal of plates ending in ‘1’ starts today.:roll:


    The official answer is, you can change your plates any time if you go directly to the registry. If you want to do it online, you have to wait for your turn.

    This is what I received from the registry:

    [b]Usted puede acudir a la regional a pedir sus placas, no importa cuál sea su terminación, de acuerdo al reglamento para la asignación de matrícula artículo 7 parrafo segundo.
    Donde si no puede solicitarla es en la WEB (Internet), ya que allí si se va a limitar de acuerdo al cronograma.

    A sus ordenes

    Lic. Andrés Abrahams Vargas
    Sub Jefe Departamento de Placas.
    Dirección de Servicios Registrales.
    Registro Nacional

    Fax (506) 2524-1962
    Tel. (+506) 2202-0998

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