WeLoveCostaRica.com Photography Competition – Winners announced clearly showing that our VIP Members are really into ‘Wildlife’.
WeLoveCostaRica.com Photography Competition – Winners announced clearly showing that our VIP Members are really into ‘Wildlife’.
We have some incredibly talented photographers amongst us…

During the month of August we offered three prizes for the best photographs in the following categories:
- The Ticos
- Wildlife
- Landscapes
As you can see from ‘Your Costa Rica Photos’ section at https://www.welovecostarica.com/members/department25.cfm we had some terrific photographs submitted and instead of the three prizes we had promised, we are announcing prizes for five winners.
‘Wildlife’ was by far the most popular category with dozens of well composed photographs which made the decision very difficult, however there were few photographs submitted for ‘Landscapes’ and ‘The Ticos.’
The following IP Members will receive the ‘Tonos Sepia’ music CD prize by the award winning Costa Rican singer/songwriter Humberto Vargas.
- PCollins for his magnificent ‘Scarlet Macaws‘ in the ‘Wildlife’ category
- Abaity for the ‘Peek-A-Boo‘ and
- Jerry for his photo of ‘Chito n Poncho 2‘
- Ione for his ‘Fiery Billed Aracaris‘ photo…
- Dick Keim receives a prize for photographs in two categories: ‘Old Tico – Victor 82‘ in ‘The Ticos’ category and ‘Estrellitos‘ in the Landscape category.

Have you ever seen a grown man swimming with a crocodile that’s three times as big as him?
If you are one of the winners and have not already contacted me, please visit the ‘Contact Us‘ page and email me your full name and mailing address and this CD will be sent you you as soon as possible.
If you would like to share your special Costa Rica photos with us – and we’d love to see them – please see ‘Your Costa Rica Photos.’
Congratulations to our VIP Member Winners!
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