British Ambassador Says: “Costa Rica is still a safe destination.”
VIP Member Daniel Flynn of Arvada in Colorado, U.S., writes to us saying that: “We have visited Costa Rica a half dozen times in the last three years or so. Your mention of fear of crime in today’s newsletter causes me to reply.
As you say so often, Costa Rica is a developing country. Too many Americans, however, seem to leave their brains at home when they travel to the tropics…
For example: A couple years ago, we rented a cabina in Tamarindo for the week. For most of the time, we were the only ones on the property.
Then a couple of guys from Boston rented the other cabina on this property,
and the next morning proceeded to drive a rental Land Rover to a secluded beach, leaving their expensive cameras, laptops, and their passports in the vehicle while they went surfing.
They returned to busted windows and stolen merchandise and passports.
They could not have done it better if they had painted a target on their butts.
I am not trying to be superior here. It’s just that if Americans kept half their wits about them, they wouldn’t be such victims.
I don’t really understand how folks who cope on the streets of NYC or Boston, turn into such basket cases down there.” Daniel Flynn. Arvada, CO. USA
But is there anything to worry about?
In case you missed this little news item a few weeks ago…
“Costa Rica Is Still A Safe Destination.”
British Ambassador Chris Campbell.
In a late August 2011 interview with Sharon Campbell, the British Ambassador to Costa Rica and her husband Chris Campbell, the British Ambassador to Nicaragua who is based in Costa Rica, he said:
“Current travel advice puts the facts out there, it doesn’t warn against travel to Costa Rica,” Chris said.
“Costa Rica is still a safe destination. There are a very small percentage of tourists that get into trouble. It can happen in any country in the world. Certainly in terms of security, there is no major threat to any tourist visiting Costa Rica.” Chris Campbell, British Ambassador to Nicaragua.
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