Building Your Own Costa Rican Coffee Empire
Unique investment opportunities which promise to give something back to the world while growing your portfolio at the same time can be few and far between.
If you happen to be looking for just such an investment then you should definitely investigate the idea of adding a Costa Rican coffee farm to your portfolio as coffee is a growing industry that is set to grow by 25% in the next five years — according to the International Coffee Society.
The gorgeous Costa Rican countryside, coupled with increasing worldwide consumption of coffee, creates the ideal opportunity for those who are looking for something more than just an investment, as a coffee farm in Costa Rica is the ideal location to also improve your quality of life.
With the policies of the Costa Rican government now firmly embracing the idea of a sustainable future with both its energy and agricultural industries, a coffee farm in this small but prosperous country is the perfect location to embrace the sustainable lifestyle ideology from an investment point of view.
Coffee enthusiasts share many of the same qualities as wine enthusiasts. If you happen to find yourself overhearing a conversation between coffee drinkers or wine drinkers you will hear similar buzz words being bandied about such as flavor, fruitiness, acidity, bitter, sweet, smooth, and harsh.
How a fine cup of coffee or a nice glass of wine ultimately taste are both dependent on the growing conditions. The region, altitude, rainfall, temperature, and soils will all have an impact on the resulting flavor.
The mountainous landscapes making up the majority of the Costa Rican countryside have soils which have been enriched by volcanic ash over millennia. As the minerals from these ash deposits seeped into the soil over the years they created the perfect conditions for growing coffee.
The two distinct seasons of Costa Rica — the rainy season and the dry season — also help to create the perfect balance of weather which coffee plants can thrive in. The rainy season consists of hot sunny days which end with afternoon showers that promote the growth of the plant. The dry season is perfect for ripening the berries, and the subsequent drying and processing of the coffee bean.
The altitude of the coffee farm (usually between 3,000 and 6,000 feet), the makeup of the soil, and the cool mountain air all combine to create conditions which give the berry ample time to mature and produce more complex sugars, which add to the flavor and texture of the brew.
Because each farm is different each plantation will deliver coffee with a flavor and texture unique to the area.
The coffee growing areas of Costa Rica are divided into 7 distinct regions, all of them producing their own unique style and flavor of coffee. The area of Tarrazú produces a coffee famous for its body and aroma. It’s also highly acidic due to the high altitudes.
Orosi is well known for its beans which have a long uniform body that produce excellent quality coffee. Tres Ríos produces the more traditional style of coffee which is often attributed as the Bordeaux of Costa Rica.
In Turrialba you will get a decent sized bean with a low acidity. Valle Occidental is famous for its coffees that have just a hint of apricot and peach flavor. And finally, out of Valle Central, home to the original coffee plantations, comes a coffee with a unique chocolaty flavor.
In times past the coffees coming out of Costa Rican plantations were often accused of being too clean, balanced, and mild. Just right for the non-discerning coffee drinker but not so much for the millions of coffee aficionados who enjoy a distinctive and unique blend.
Today the scenario is different as there are many farmers and micro-mills taking extreme measures to ensure quality throughout the entire coffee making process. A process which ensures that there is a vast range of diversity, textures, and flavors in the end products.
There are some 78,000 coffee farmers in Costa Rica currently taking advantage of this prime coffee growing environment, and most of those are small scale farmers. Costa Rica is such a prime location for coffee growing that even Starbucks is getting in on the action as they now have their own small farm created specifically for the purpose of experimentation.
Over a hundred processing plants are on hand to take the fruit of the coffee plant, wash it, dry it, and warehouse it. A growing number of roasters can expertly prepare the beans according to your precise instructions and get it ready for export with one of the many established export companies, and from their into the cups of coffee enthusiasts around the world who are just dying for a unique new flavor.
As you can see the infrastructure for creating your own special brand of coffee, with its own unique taste, is already firmly established in Costa Rica.
If you’ve ever had the dream of creating your own distinct brand with a loyal following coffee farming is one such industry which can promise rewards much greater than monetary value alone.
Written by James Drews who is a professional Realtor living and working on the Southern Pacific coast of Costa Rica.
Coffee Farms For Sale In Costa Rica.

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