Caught Acting Like a Typical American in Costa Rica.
A couple weeks ago Carlos, who is my right hand guy here in Costa Rica and I went to the transportation office in Alajuela to get a permit so he could drive the van to Panama.
When we walked up to the window, sure that everything was fine and getting a permit was not a problem we ran smack dab into disappointment. It seems an accident we had a couple years ago had not been cleared.
We were instructed that we had to go to the courthouse in Grecia to get the boleta – whatever that is – and then we had to return with the boleta in hand before we could get the permit to take the van across the border to Panama.
Carlos and I hurried back to Grecia, went into the courthouse and the clerk gave us a piece of paper and told us we did not need a boleta. Okay, the next morning we ate breakfast in a hurry and made going back to the transportation office in Alajuela top priority. We just knew everything was fine.
We never thought it would be possible not to get what we needed. Alajuela is a 45 minute ride around curves, so it is not leisure drive. Carlos and I happily returned to the transportation office just knowing we had it all together. When our turn came up, the gentleman that waited on us told us again we needed a boleta.
That word boleta was getting my goat right about then. The guy begin to explain to Carlos in Spanish what was needed and why. As long as he was speaking in Spanish to Carlos I was not paying much attention, but then the nice guy decided to explain it to me in English.
What did he do that for, the next voice I heard was mine. Being born on the South side of town in Omaha, Nebraska does not help you to be a humble, loveable and quiet person. In fact it is the opposite.
You see living in Sarpy county out there where you are among farmers, you develop a habit of yelling.
You know you have to yell to be heard. I must have thought I was back on the farm, in Omaha, out on one of those old dirt county roads. The roads are paved today but I still have that dirt road attitude from my childhood.
This country girl opened her fat North American mouth and begin to talk in a pitch just slightly above a high octave. Everyone in that office came to a stand still. Poor Carlos! If Carlos could have found a corner he would have hid but he was stuck, with no place to run to, and besides he could not leave me.
Do you remember that song Wooly Bully? Well Wooly Bully had arrived in Costa Rica. The young man who was waiting on us graciously said “lady I’m trying to help you but there are others waiting in line.”
Carlos gently tugged my arm and I walked out ashamed to look at Carlos. In the USA no one would have paid me any attention but in Costa Rica that is not how you handle things. Here the people just get out of line, say a few words under their breath, shrug their shoulders and just get out of line.
What is a boleta?
When you have a car accident in Costa Rica you must file papers saying you have taken care of everything that you have been financially responsible for. We had done that, but the office that was suppose to send the information to the registers office in San Jose never sent the information.
Our paper work was completed two years ago and someone just did not process it. Whenever I run into difficult like this in Costa Rica, I always remember how smoothly and perfectly things are done in the USA… Of course that is a joke.
After nine years here I’m still trying to look at a problem, shrug my shoulders and keep my mouth shut but, at this point I don’t think the old girl is going to make it, pray for me.
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Written by Jeanetta Owens who owns the lovely La Terraza B&B in Grecia which is about one hour from San José, Costa Rica. For a taste of living the good life in Grecia, Costa Rica, may we suggest you to book yourself into Jeanetta’s B&B for a nice long vacation.
Jeanetta’s B&B has been rated the #1 B&B in Grecia, Costa Rica by Trip Advisor. You can find the La Terraza B&B website here.
La Terraza B&B in Grecia.Calling from the U.S. 1-786-363-9036
Toll Free Calling from U.S. or Canada 1-(877)-298-7439800
Calling within Costa Rica 2494-0970
Calling direct from other countries 011-506-2494-3493
Fax number from the U.S. 011-506-2444-5221

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