Comparing Costa Rica Living to Nicaragua?
On Sunday I received a newsletter entitled “Why Not Costa Rica?”
In which an American writer living in Ireland (??) insults Costa Rica living and praises both Nicaragua and Panama.
I usually have little to say about ‘experts’ living in Ireland commenting on living in Costa Rica but today, I simply must rant and rave a bit…
Supposedly the four complaints she’s heard about Costa Rica living are:
- Bureaucracy.
- “The cost of living in Costa Rica is no bargain”.
- Infrastructure and safety.
- Another complaint is that “Costa Rica real estate is over-priced” and she adds that real estate in Panama “can be a bargain.”
Well I’m here to tell you that like anywhere else in the world, Costa Rica real estate ‘can be’ a bargain if you are dealing with the right people, looking in the right areas and there are many…
If you so desire, you can buy a $500K home in Costa Rica as you can in Panama. But I also know many people that have built their beautiful, dream home in Costa Rica with awesome views in the best climate in the world for way under $100K…
Costa Rica has bureaucracy too, just like everywhere else. When I started a company in New York City a million years ago, I remember standing in line for nearly five hours at US immigration trying to renew my work permit (I’m British). I hear it’s much worse today.
There are high crime areas in major cities anywhere in the world but if you use your head, you’ll stay out of trouble.
More often than not, that ‘crime’ story is about a guy.., sorry! A ‘victim’ who was walking home from a house of ‘ill-repute’ at 2.30am in the morning smashed out of his brains and wonders why someone picked on him…
Maybe you’ll be ‘lucky’ like me and not experience any crime whatsoever since I moved here..
According to the US Dept of State, the per capita income in Panama for 2002 was US$3,699 and Costa Rica for 2001 was US$3,850 and for Nicaragua? Wait for it! – US$470.
Think about that for a minute!
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