Costa Rica Construction – Glass
This element can integrate the building into its surroundings.
Everyone knows that windows add views and allow natural light to best illuminate
rooms. Therefore their use is a major part of a house. Walls, picture windows,
and sliding doors are only a few examples.
But if you want to add a window, first evaluate the cost, the quantity of glass
and materials you choose.
A glass wall is more expensive than a concrete wall. So you must weigh the investment
against its advantages, among those that emphasize the sensation of integration
with surroundings.
One of the major advantages is that glass makes the best use of natural light
and the cost of maintenance.
Unlike concrete walls that have to be painted and repaired regularly, glass walls
need no more than a little water and soap to stay in good condition.
When designing the structure you want to install, one must choose correct materials
and frames. Often a badly placed window will increase interior temperatures or
because of their fragility they can break with tremors, knocks or gusts of wind.
Costa Rica Construction – Modern designs.
Currently modern, functional and very decorative systems exist for glass windows,
doors, roofs and walls. The pieces are assembled in the shop, which facilitates
their installation. For each piece, frames are different. The idea is to let in
light without heating up the room.
Years ago, to achieve this the glass was darkened to filter heat, but clarity
was sacrificed. Recently, new sheets like clear glass have been designed tinted
with colors, such as bronze, beige, gray or green or super-gray, which is more
resistant to heat.
Also there are laminated glass which is two sheets of glass bonded by a resin that
react to heat and darken as the light intensifies. This glass is less resistant
to shock but when it breaks the interior resin keeps it from shattering.
Another option is tempered glass, which is heated almost to melting point and
then cooled. This makes it five or six times more resistant and less dangerous
because it breaks into chunks rather than shattering. It depends on size. The
thickness of the glass to be used depends on the size of the structure. Width
usually ranges from 3 to 12 mm, increasing according to size.
Studies are recommended for the facade, for two-story buildings and for
buildings in zones where climate and geography can affect structures.
Aluminum frames are currently more popular than the traditional wood. They are
more resistant and can blend with different decorative styles. They come in natural
gray, beige or black. And can be painted to change color.
Some people use PVC for frames. Although they don’t get hot in the sun and
do not get excessively cold at night like aluminum, they have been known to become
Good use of glass also decreases electricity costs. Even on rainy foggy
days, when little light comes in, the savings are considerable. In addition to
light, windows add to natural ventilation.
Types of glass
Laminated: Keep noise out
Tempered: Five or six times more resistant to impact
Insulated: Control interior temperatures
Reflective: Keep interior fresh by reflecting light
Transparent: Let the most heat in.
By installing smoked paper, film or colored glass in windows, you will notice
the change interior temperature of the room. You can also shade glass walls with
Our thanks to Gustavo Sanchez and our friends at La Nacion – Costa Rica’s largest Spanish circulation newspaper for their permission to use
this article.
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