Costa Rica Dentist in Liberia – VIP Member recommends Dr. Eric Bussing D.D.S.
The following email about Costa Rica Dentist Dr. Eric Bussing D.D.S. in Liberia was received from VIP Member Don Robertson on Tuesday, 10th June, 2008 at 3:33 PM
After reading your family doctor article today, I wanted to share an interesting medical-care story that just happened.
Ruth and John were neighbors and friends of ours in a condo community north of Tampa Florida before we moved to Liberia two years ago. About a month ago they contacted us to see if we knew of a dentist in Costa Rica who may be able to do Ruth’s bridge repair for less than the US$13,000+ price her Tampa dentist was quoting.
Like many Americans, they had seen TV stories about how much cheaper medical care can be done in Costa Rica.
I plugged them into our dentist Dr. Eric Bussing here in Liberia, and after several back-and-forth e-mails, he quoted her about $3,500 to do the job. He said she would need to stay here two weeks so that he could do a follow up inspection before they left.
They accepted and we arranged for them to stay in our “casita” adjacent to our home for the two weeks. They arrived Sunday June 8th so she could make the first appointment on Monday Jun 9th… yesterday. After Dr. Bussing looked at Ruth’s mouth, he told her the following:
Her bridge needed repair, not replacement. He repaired it yesterday and ordered a plate for her to wear at night to resolve her teeth grinding problem. Total cost for everything = US$305! They are still in shock. She is delighted not to have to go through the ordeal of having the bridge removed from her mouth.
Dr. Bussing defended her Tampa dentist by saying he knew exactly why the entire bridge replacement was recommended. Vulture-like attorneys are waiting to pounce on a mistake in the U.S., so the safe/proper course of action for a dentist is to replace the whole bridge.
Here in Costa Rica, as a dentist Dr. Bussing is not faced with such legal risk, so he can and did tell his patients the truth. Ruth knows he cannot guarantee that some porcelain won’t fall off some time in the future, but it is well worth that minor risk to repair it for $305 (which includes the teeth grinding plate).
We were blown away by Dr. Bussing’s honesty because frankly he could have charged $1,000 and Ruth still would have been very pleased.
Even including about $1,800 of air fare, plus the $495 they are paying us for the use of our casita, and various other vacation-related expenses, they are saving well over $10,000 by coming here. And, they get a nice two week Costa Rica vacation too!
Thought you might enjoy reading this.”
Another VIP Member Rose Alston Writes:
Received from Rose Alston on Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 8:29 PM
“I just want to echo the praises for Dr. Bussing. He is a favor among the ex-pats in the Playas Del Coco & Playa Hermosa area.
Shortly after my arrival in Costa Rica 2 years ago Dr. Bussing performed a root canal on me. Five months before I had one done in the U.S. He charged 1/10th ($95) of the amount I paid in the U.S. after my dental plan paid off. In addition, his equipment was more up-to-date then my U.S. dentist and his interaction with me as a patient was friendly, caring and professional.
Another VIP Member Marzia Rivera Writes:
Email received Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 2:15 PM
“I wanted to follow up and thank you for publishing a readers letters in your newsletter. Recently I read about a Dentist that helped a Florida women get back her smile and repaired rather than replaced dental work.
I also am from Florida, because of that article I contacted Dr. Eric Bussing, consulted over the phone and Internet and found myself in his chair very pleased with the results of my veneers, cap and cleaning along with my friends root canal and crowns. The price was very reasonable based on my extensive research prior to reading the article.
Dr. Bussing is also the most gentle Dentist I have been to, with all the latest state of the art equipment and training, I highly recommend Dr. Eric Bussing for all your dental needs.”
Note from Scott Oliver – Founder of – So many people have some sort of hidden agenda when it comes to taking some time to recommend someone and others are afraid of repercussions.
Our thanks to VIP Member Don Robertson for writing to us about a great experience with Dr. Eric A. Bussing D.D.S who can be reached in his Liberia office at (506) 2666-4250
Please note that Dr. Eric A. Bussing did not ask Don, Rose or Marzia to write to me and the good Doctor has also not been charged a penny for this recommendation and inclusion of this letter on
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