Costa Rica Earthquake Near Parrita
The bed was shaking as if possessed, windows were rattling, books were falling out of the bookcase…
… photographs dropped with their glass frames smashing… This went on for nearly ten minutes!

Photograph used with permission from our friends at’La Nacion.’
We most definitely experienced a strong earthquake on Saturday morning at 2.07am. Reported at 6.2 on the Richter scale, we then felt another 80 or so further tremors during the eight hours after wards which measured between 3.3 – 4.6 – Phew!
Good morning Costa Rica!
Makes you feel so good to be alive!
It certainly encourages you to ‘seize the day!’
Must admit that this one was a little scary because living in the penthouse apartment means it’s not as simple as rushing out the front door stark naked into the garden to try and escape… Not without quite a jump anyway. But.., I live to tell the tale!
Although there were many cases of hysteria, thankfully there were few deaths. One unfortunate young man died after losing control of his motorcycle and six other people died after suffering heart attacks…

Storeowner takes stock… On the floor.
Because of landslides, some roads have been closed. The worst damage to buildings was reported in Parrita where they have no drinking water and the cooperative building collapsed.
At 4.15am the seismologist Marino Protti of the Observatorio Vulcanologico and Sismologico of Costa Rica (OVISCORI) said that this was a fairly ‘typical’ kind of earthquake for the area but added that it would be rare to have one stronger than 7 on the Richter scale.
He also mentioned that when there is an earthquake of this size in this zone, it is often followed by another a few days afterwards.
For example, there was an earthquake in Parrita on 28th December 1994 which was followed by another earthquake in Parrita on the 1st January. This may be one of the reasons why you can find ‘cheaper’ land in Parrita…
So today, being the very first day of the rest of my life… I shall tell everyone that I love, that I love them – once again!
Costa Rica Earthquake Reports:
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- For more information about earthquakes in Costa Rica, please see the Universidad de Costa Rica Red Sismológica Nacional website here.
- Most recent earthquake reports are here.
- You can also see photos of volcanos, eruptions and earthquake damage here.

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