Costa Rica Music – Humberto Vargas
Costa Rican Music
Born in 1969, Humberto Vargas is a talented young Costa Rican singer/songwriter who is making quite a name for himself.

Costa Rica Music – Singer/Songwriter Humbert Vargas
What Humberto actually does is melt the hearts of women of all ages all over Costa Rica.
Humberto started playing the guitar at age seven when he was knee high to a chapulin (grasshopper) and later studied at the Musical Conservatory of the University of Costa Rica.
He has taken numerous courses with many well-known guitar teachers and in 1989, he won the National Guitar Contest (intermediate category) organized by the Asociacion Guitarristica Costarricense.

Costa Rica Music – Singer/Songwriter Humbert Vargas
And for his new disc ‘Aire‘ Humberto has been working alongside Walter Flores, the well known producer of Ruben Blades. His unique style continues to develop and the women continue to swoon…
“Comparo mi trabajo con una mariposa. Tuvo su momento para crecer, luego adquirio alas para volar lejos y colores que le hagan sobresalir entre la espesa vegetacion“.
“I compare my work with a butterfly. It had it’s time to grow, later it acquired wings to fly far away and colours that made it stand out amongst the dense vegetation.”
Humberto was kind enough to meet with me in the cafe of the Melico Salazar theatre on Monday and like his music, Humberto is intelligent, humble yet passionate and very pleasant to be with…
His music has something for everyone… Women of all ages love his heartwarming music and men love it because, well… The women love it!

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