Costa Rica Named As The #1 Place To Retire In The Entire Galaxy – Here’s how you can lose weight, learn Spanish, get a great tan, eat fresh food and get laid all for free!
Well it’s ‘official’, the just-released Galaxy Retirement Index names Costa Rica as the best place in our galaxy to retire for 2007. So if international living is something you are considering then you gotta’ read this…
Antoinetta Doublebutt-Pondscum, the President of Galaxy Retirement Research Ltd of Upper Wallop, Nottinghamshire in England has interviewed thousands, dozens four North Americans, half a Canadian and some other (two) expatriates about living and retiring in Costa Rica since 3.37pm last Tuesday and with this extensive research behind her, the results are in:
Antoiletta hasn’t actually been to Costa Rica yet and doesn’t yet speak a word of Spanish (her English is also bloody awful) but thanks to the wonderful world of the Internet, she can really make it look as though she actually knows what she’s talking about…
But look! It must be true, this is the magnificent colour plaque below that was awarded by Antonotty to Costa Rica for being the …
Antylotty was amazed that you could in fact live for free in Costa Rica! Yes! You would have to pay for your transportation to Costa Rica but a few short hours after arriving, you could be living for free in one of the most spectacularly gorgeous countries in the world today…
Costa Rica is a tropical paradise knows for it’s stunning scenery, sunshine and smiles.
Costa Rica Retirement Award: Here are the main reasons that Costa Rica was ranked #1 – The best in the universe:
- Enjoy picture perfect Costa Rica weather 365 days per year.
- The secret to living in Costa Rica for free is simple – Commit a felony and do your time in La Reform penitentiary.
- Enjoy all you can eat fresh fruits, vegetables, rice and beans if you’re willing to fight for it.
- Forget the hassles of buying real estate and live rent-free in La Reforma.
- While it may be a little overcrowded, you can forget about paying for utilities at La Reforma – they’re all included for free.
- Enjoy free health care while you are a resident of La Reforma and …
- Learn Spanish for free! After all, your life could depend on your ability to communicate with your cell mate/lover.
- Work out for an hour each day – no gym fees necessary.
- Don’t worry about closing and locking your doors, there’s always someone there to do that for you – 24 hours per day.
- Enjoy visits by a diplomatic representative from your local Embassy at least once per year.
- Your family and friends can visit but here’s the great thing about having guests at La Reforma – They MUST leave after an hour!
- Make lots of new same sex friends fast at La Reforma, maybe even find new romantic partner… Whether you want to or not.
- Three free meals per day and you will lose weight and get healthier fast with your new non-alcoholic diet.
- In case you ask what do you use to call your fellow prisoners? Cell phones of course!
However you look at it, La Reforma penitentiary – also known as P-R-I-S-O-N – is an interesting and colourful place to spend some quality time and most important of all.., it’s free!
However, if this kind of alternative lifestyle doesn’t appeal to you, then you could always do what most people do and buy a luxury condo in Santa Ana and live like a king for half of the money you’re spending now.

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Written by Antoinetta Doublebutt-Pondscum, the President of Galaxy Retirement Research Ltd of Upper Wallop, Nottinghamshire in England. For quite some time now, Antoleeny Doublebutt-Pondscum has been very successful in making it look like she knows what she is talking about…

But seriously, if you have a serious interest in buying a Costa Rica luxury condo in Santa Ana and would like a highly recommended and trustworthy Costa Rica Realtor to help you, please help us to help you by using the simple form below:
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