Costa Rica Rental Properties – The Psycho Tenant Saga Continues
Readers of our first article about Costa Rica Rental Properties – The Psycho Tenant will be thrilled to hear that this individual continues with his threats.
On the advice of attorneys, we have unfortunately again removed all traces that could perhaps identify this person from Canada and, exactly where he lives but our Spanish speaking VIP Members will understand the 13th December 2009 incident report below written up by the security guard of the condominium project in which he lives.
Bottom line?
The guards were once again doing their job and telephoned our Pyscho Tenant to advise him that he had A: Left his car windows open and B: That he had parked in a parking space that was not his…

I would have been delighted if someone had told me about my windows being down, that my car was not secure because even though this is a very secure project, you don’t want the wind blowing rain into your car or, any little insects having a sleepover party in anticipation of feasting on your lower legs first thing in the morning.
Well the Psycho Tenant went, well “psycho” – again – and paid a visit to the guards – again – in their guard box “screaming” at one of the guards saying that “he didn’t care if his car was open,” “that’s why he’s paying for security to look after the car” and “a friend had loaned him that parking space.”
Besides that he added that “he had guns and knows how to use them” intimidating the guard and then stated that the guard “had telephoned his apartment and had screamed at the Psycho Tenant’s girlfriend which (according to the guard) is not true.”
The saga continues …
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Written by Scott Oliver, author of 1. Costa Rica Real Estate Scams & How To Avoid Them, 2. How To Buy Costa Rica Real Estate Without Losing Your Camisa, 3. Costa Rica’s Guide To Making Money Offshore and the Director of Costa Rica Living & Retirement – Secrets To Happiness, a new DVD which reveals all with 14 in depth interviews…

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