A Day At the Water Park in Orotina
About 3 weeks ago I woke up wanting to be in America. I just wanted to take the kids somewhere like Color Me Mine or Thanksgiving Point and veg out. Then I wanted to go get a sub par sandwich and cup of soup at a busy restaurant.
Why? I have no idea. It reminds me of when I have babies I crave these simple cheap casseroles that my mom would make when we were little. You know the stove top stuffing one and the rice broccoli one. It just must be comforting to me!
I almost had Tyler talked into going to a suburb of the capital where I thought they might have something like that. But he talked me into going to visit Los Suenos instead. It didn’t do it for me.
So when some friends invited us to a water park I knew that is what we needed. It was such a fun afternoon.
It wasn’t too busy, it was clean, it was in the middle of the beautiful jungle. Why was I craving something so American? This was so much better!
The park wasn’t too big to where you could lose sight of your kids easily. The girls had fun running around the park with 5 other girls and 1 little boy.
All who spoke English (and their kids also all speak Spanish too). But it was just a nice break for the girls who work so hard getting to know natives.
It was just nice for them to go out with some friends they really can talk to easily.
It did the trick! Thanks to our fun friends who invited us to tag along.
This is a water park in Oritina, Costa Rica. If you are here to live I would suggest it. I would suggest it if you lived two hours or closer. It can be difficult to find and I do feel like it is very fairly priced.
There is yummy & good priced food to buy there too since you cannot bring food inside. The name of it is Parque Acuatico Villas Fantasia and their Facebook page is here.
I don’t “review” places on my site but I do get a lot of questions emailed to me. So I figure if I just answer questions I know will be asked that it will save time!
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Written by Vanessa Brown: In November 2012 Vanessa, her husband Tyler sold most of what they owned in Utah, U.S., and moved to the Playa Hermosa area near Jaco, Costa Rica with their four small children for a six month sabbatical.
In her articles Vanessa writes about their family’s traveling experiences, what it is like living abroad with four young girls (all under age 7), arts & crafts and finding beauty in everyday life living in Costa Rica.
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