Don’t Mess With The Ticos On The Soccer Field! Video shows Costa Rican goalkeeper defending himself against a drunk fan.
Playing in Amsterdam on the 21st December 2011, to Costa Rican goalkeeper Esteban Alvarado it looked as if the furious Dutch fan rushing towards him on the soccer field was either drunk or on drugs and, he thought he had a knife…
“Fue un accionar en defensa propia, soy un jugador que participa para dar un espectáculo, y uno no está anuente a que lo puedan agredir. En ese momento no sé si ese aficionado está bajo el efecto de la droga o el alcohol, yo lo que hago es defender mi integridad”, dijo Alvarado en una entrevista que publica el diario costarricense “Al Día”.
The goalkeeper was shown the Red Card which was later annulled as it was decided he had acted in self defense.
Don’t Mess With The Ticos Video.
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