English Language Newspaper in Costa Rica Now Promoting Easy To Disprove Zionist Lies.
An English language newspaper published in Costa Rica sinks to new lows today with the publishing of the ‘Perspective’ letter by the Zionist propagandists Dr. Jiri Valenta and Leni Valenta entitled Will Israel unleash an October surprise?
It is unclear why a Costa Rican English language newspaper believes it’s an appropriate venue for Zionists to spread more LIES but I’d like to address a few points.
The Valentas of the Institute of Post Communist Studies write:
“Although strangely under the radar, preparations for an Iran-Israeli war have actually been building for some months on both sides…”
Unlike Israel – the sixth largest nuclear power on planet earth – and their U.S. bankers Iran has not attacked another country for over 200 years but, what has “been building” is the call for an attack by Israel on Iran and understandably, Iran – a country of nearly 80 million people – has clearly stated that they would defend themselves.
How strange it is they they should say “strangely under the radar” when Israel has repeatedly threatened Iran with an attack and, how interesting it is that they refer to an “Iran-Israel war” when Israel has clearly shown the world on numerous occasions that it is the aggressor and if anything it should be phrased as an Israel-Iran war.
Just to remind our readers that under Article Two, clause four of the UN Charter, “it is important to recognize that not only it is considered the real violation of international law to launch a war, but it is also a violation to threaten war and that is something that Israel and the US have done continually.”
The Valentas also write that President Obama “has relied on reports that there is no immediate threat that Iran has the bomb” as if the President of the most powerful nation on earth had read this on the back of a milk carton.
The fact of the matter is that that “it remains the consensus view of America’s 16 intelligence agencies” that Iran “abandoned its nuclear weapons program.”
And of course the Valentas have to roll out that same old LIE about how Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad said that: “We will wipe Israel off the face of the map.”
How do we know it’s a lie?
Because amongst many other scholars Israel’s Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor said so, that’s why!
The fact is that Ahmedinejad – “does not have full control over Iran’s foreign policy, the armed forces, or nuclear policy, as these are ultimately under the control of the Supreme Leader” who is the Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei – never said those “chilling words” which was confirmed by Israel’s own Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor.
In an interview with Teymoor Nabili in Jerusalem when challenged about Iran’s supposed determination to “wipe Israel off the face of the map Israel’s Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor stated that: [Iran’s leaders] all come basically ideologically, religiously with the statement that Israel is an unnatural creature, it will not survive. They didn’t say ‘we’ll wipe it out’, you are right, but [that] it will not survive, it is a cancerous tumor, it should be removed.
Ahmedinejad NEVER Said“We will wipe Israel off the face of the map.”
Video Proof!
Nabili begins questioning Meridor on the misquote at about 4:10 in the following video with Israel’s Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor.
There are numerous other sources which have proven conclusively that Ahmedinejad never said that “We will wipe Israel off the face of the map” including Anneliese Fikentscher and Andreas Neumann and Middle East specialists such as Juan Cole of the University of Michigan who said: “There is no such idiom in Persian and it is not what he said, and the mistranslation gives entirely the wrong impression. Wars can start over bad translations.”
And talking about being wiped off the map, have you seen this map?
Clearly Israel Is Wiping Palestine Off The Map.
Ahmedinejad may have described the State of Israel as “an insult to humanity” and based on this week’s news where an Israeli court has ruled that that they won’t punish anyone for deliberately crushing to death U.S. peace activist Rachel Corrie – one beautiful, young and unarmed American woman – he’s absolutely correct.
- If nobody in Israel was punished for the deliberate killing 34 U.S. citizens of the crew on the USS Liberty and wounding 174 more in 1967, are we really surprised that an Israel court just ruled that they won’t punish anyone for deliberately crushing to death U.S. peace activist Rachel Corrie one beautiful, young and unarmed American woman?
- “Israel continues to break international law with its brutal occupation of the West Bank, its siege of the Gaza Strip, its racist treatment of Africans – just this week in violation of the UN Refugee Convention Interior Minister Eli Yishai on Wednesday instructed immigration police to begin rounding up and detaining Sudanese migrants – and all the various human rights abuses it inflicts on Palestinians on a daily basis. Israel openly, and year after year, ignores international requests from the USA, EU, and the UN for it to halt its construction of its illegal settlements.”
- Israeli snipers regularly shoot unarmed women, children and even an unarmed 22 year old British peace activist Tom Hurndall as he was trying to rescue a child pinned down by Israeli gunfire.
- Israel has kidnapped and interrogated hundreds of children, some as young as 6 years old who was questioned for four hours.
- Violence by Jewish settlers has been cited for the first time in a US state department list of “terrorist incidents“, as Israeli political leaders condemned a string of recent attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank and Jerusalem.
- 24,813 Palestinian homes have been demolished by Israel since 1967.
- Israel currently has 236 Jewish-only settlements and ‘outposts’ built on confiscated Palestinian land.
- 5,604 Palestinians are currently imprisoned by Israel without being charged with any crime.
Yessiree! Most reasonable human beings would agree that any nation that encourages or allows these events to happen is indeed “an insult to humanity”.
The nuclear program of Iran was launched in the 1950s with the help of the United States as part of the Atoms for Peace program.
The Valentas will know that as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) as is the U.S. – Israel has not signed this agreement – under the terms of that treaty Iran is allowed to have nuclear power for peaceful purposes.
When it comes to evaluating the U.S. Israel and Iran it is Iran is the one that is the least threat to world peace. The U.S. has already used nuclear weapons, Israel has hundreds of nuclear weapons but both the U.S. and Israel pretend they don’t have them… Why?
Because under the Symington Amendment to the Foreign Appropriations Act and the Glenn Act to send your money to any nation in possession of nuclear technology who will not sign the NPT and who will not allow inspections which Israel does not.
Thankfully Israel has been given a much needed slap in the face with two important announcements this week:
- The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staffs General Martin Dempsey
said that The United States will not be ‘complicit’ in an Israeli military strike on Iran, adding that such an attack would not only fail to destroy Iran’s nuclear program, but could prompt Iran to reconstitute its weapons programs. - “The US had made massive reductions to joint military exercise with Israel. Originally slated to include 5,000 US troops, Washington will now only send 1,500 to participate in Austere Challenge 12 with Israel. Apparently, the American administration is concerned with a possible Israeli strike on Iran.”
The Times quoted a senior Israeli military official as speculating, “Basically what the Americans are saying is, ‘We don’t trust you.'” Well, America has good reason not to trust Israel.
And, as we have seen here with the lies and insinuations included in the article from Dr. Jiri Valenta and Leni Valenta, we have a very good reason not to trust them too…
“Israel is the biggest threat to world peace.” Gilad Atzmon.
For the final comment we’ll give the podium to another famous Jew Gilad Atzmon who said this week: “As much as the American Jewish Lobby, together with Barak and Netanyahu are pushing for a new global conflict, America may still be saved by just a few brains who are beginning to realize that Israel is the biggest threat to world peace.”
I should apologize to our VIP Members for including this article on a website called WeLoveCostaRica.com – a place where they normally come to escape from warmongering propaganda – but, I’m hoping my readers will forgive me as they will know I love exposing real estate scammers, liars and cheats and that someone, somewhere – once in a while – must slap’em down from time to time, even if it’s only in writing.
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Written by Scott Oliver, author of 1: How To Buy Costa Rica Real Estate Without Losing Your Camisa, 2: Costa Rica Real Estate Scams & How To Avoid Them, 3. Costa Rica’s Guide To Making Money Offshore and 4. ¿Cómo Comprar Bienes Raices en Costa Rica, Sin Perder Su Camisa?

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