All Paragon Properties in Parrita fenced off

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  • #196633

    Hi guys

    I know you have been following Paragon news and wanted to let you know that in driving through the Parrita area it looks like all of five of their properties are all fenced off with barbed wire and nobody can enter. My wife took photos and it looks just terrible, they’ve done nothing.

    We considered buying land there about 4 years ago but thank god didn’t go through with it which is a good thing because it looks to us like they have done a runner.

    Every time we visit we drive by and say to ourselves “It is exactly the same as it was years ago, nothing has been done.”

    Thank god.


    In an effort to give us a clear indication of the real progress made at these five projects (pictures speak louder than words, right?) over the last five years, would you please email me the photographs you have ‘GoodLife’?

    We’d love to see them…

    My email address is

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    I’d be surprised that they had enough money left to string wire and put up posts! LOL


    Just curious…It was so easy to make money in real estate in Costa Rica. Why go the shady route when making an honest effort could have easily paid off more than just pulling up their tents and stealing off into the night? My own property has increased in value about 3 and a half times what I paid for it three years ago. I know a few people who seem to have done quite well for themselves in that business.

    It’s hard to believe that people would perfer to be dishonest even if it means making less money. I suppose it is possible also that the people in these operations were just very poor business people with a lousy buisness plan.


    sprite, there are those among us who would rather tell a lie and take a fist in the mouth than tell the truth and be a hero. It’s a character flaw. There’s no fixing it.


    Quote: “My own property has increased in value about 3 and a half times what I paid for it three years ago”

    But can you sell it for this price now ? Because that’s what it’s all about… 😉


    I thought the same thing sprite. If they did sell all those lots for all that money, why not just build the thing out? Looks like this bunch really are just a bunch of thieves. Sorry to say at one point I sort half stood up for them, but time has proven any hope false.


    Good point, sumasal.
    Real esate agents tell me, though, that they ARE doing business in my area and selling property like mine for as much as $18 per square meter. How much business they are doing is unkown to me.


    The problem is those who tell lies often get the sale and those who tell the truth often do not. The liars appeal to people’s greed. Those who speak the truth appeal to peoples reasoning.

    Now which do you think is more powerful – greed or reasonoing.

    Geed is an emotional response and reason is a logical response. Being greedy only requires a feeling, a sensation to satify an emotional hunger.

    Being resonable requires thinking. Sompeople are just too busy to think… and let their greed overwhelm their reasoning.


    Human evolution has given us brains that function on emotion rather than on reason and probabilistic thinking. I suppose there is a good reason why selectivity chose that path but conditions do change so who knows?
    Emotion is what makes the equity and futures markets move. Emotion is what determines price of everything from food to real estate. The combined greed and fear of masses of buyers and sellers set the prices. Profit is made by putting reason up against emotion. If you can kick in your logic and keep it in gear, you can avoid losing money and have a great chance of making money.

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