An American at CIMA hospital – Our experience

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    [quote=”katalan”]My husband and I both ended up going to CIMA for emergency situations this year, and we really are 1000% thrilled with the medical care, hospital cleanliness, friendliness and cost. I know folks who come to Costa Rica especially FOR health care, and I can see why.

    It’s easy to get a little indignant over Gringo vs Tico pricing, but if you ever try to run a business Tico style, with Tico customers and what they can afford based on their incomes, you can see easily that the dual price schedules are quite fair and we have no complaints. Minimum wage in Costa Rica is several times lower than in the U.S.

    All the best, Katalan

    Hello – in response to this question: Earlier this month, I was fortunate enough to use CIMA on several occasions for high tech dental work: i had a digital panoramic x-ray before my work began, which was e-mailed to my endodontist, Dr. Mauricio Madragal. Dr. Madragal used the laser dental facilities at CIMA to do my work, along with Dr. Diana Fernandez @ CIMA with a company called Dentilase. They arranged for me to have an anesthesiologist, because I requested it, for 6 of the 9 root canals. Dr. Madragal even removed old metal posts from old U.S. done root canals.
    The radiologist also saw irregularities in my x-rays, immediately, and pointed them out to me. i have a rare condition that took probably over 20 doctors & numerous MRI’s & Cat Scans & 4 to 5 years to dx in the U.S.. She was quite impressive.
    The whole operation at CIMA was very impressive.
    I returned following my complete mouth restoration at for my “after” digital panoramic x-ray – to be able to show anyone who wants to see, what I had before I began my dental work & of course, the beautiful after results.
    CIMA is first class. They took my VISA with no problem; although frankly, they prefer cash.
    I saved a fortune over what it would’ve cost me in the U.S., and I got state-of-the-art, world-class dental work at CIMA & at 9 root canals; 12 zirconium (fake diamond) posts; 29 zirconium crowns; a new bite – and a beautiful smile!


    How much for all that work?


    [quote=”2BNCR”]How much for all that work?[/quote]
    Less than 12K


    [quote=”seabone”][quote=”2BNCR”]How much for all that work?[/quote]
    Less than 12K[/quote]
    Actually, some of my new zirc crowns are in with temporary cement; because they are perfectionists. i am going back end of january for my husband to do what is necessary in his mouth – and will get my perms bonded into my mouth then.
    FYI, the government in CR sets the prices – as minimums & maximums for all dental procedures; you can go to their site and get that info. The dental clinic I used, is closer to the minimum charges. Some of the other dentists I have seen mentioned on this site, that I have personally checked out, are closer & higher than the maximum. Since I was doing 29 teeth, I chose them – and I’m glad I did. They are affiliated with the largest dental laboratory in central america & the lab is right upstairs. I got the best of the best – available anywhere in the world, right there.


    FYI, the government in CR sets the prices – as minimums & maximums for all dental procedures; you can go to their site and get that info. The dental clinic I used, is closer to

    How about a link?


    “… the government in CR sets the prices – as minimums & maximums for all dental procedures…”

    I do NOT believe that to be true at all but would be happy to see the link if you would be so kind as to include it …


    how much for the implants and implant crowns?


    Well I am wrong!

    The Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas of Costa Rica does indeed set minimums for different procedures which you can see at:

    [ ]


    [quote=”Scott”]Well I am wrong!

    The Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas of Costa Rica does indeed set minimums for different procedures which you can see at:

    [ ][/quote]

    See there! Told you I was an informed dental patient!
    Will you please add a link to:
    they have the best price!
    thank you!


    No! I won’t add a link thank you – You have mentioned their site quite enough already, in fact so much that I thought this was a commercial posting to begin with….


    [quote=”Scott”]No! I won’t add a link thank you – You have mentioned their site quite enough already, in fact so much that I thought this was a commercial posting to begin with….[/quote]
    Dear Scott: Sorry about that – I’m just very happy with my dental work & my new smile & was boasting; and thinking that maybe someone else could use the info. Did not mean to offend you 🙁


    [quote=”seabone”][quote=”Scott”]No! I won’t add a link thank you – You have mentioned their site quite enough already, in fact so much that I thought this was a commercial posting to begin with….[/quote]
    Dear Scott: Sorry about that – I’m just very happy with my dental work & my new smile & was boasting; and thinking that maybe someone else could use the info. Did not mean to offend you :([/quote]

    Felt necessary to add: while removing the old amalgam (mercury) from my mouth & during my laser root canals, they used what is called “dams” in dentistry; it’s actually like a plastic tent that catches all of the old debris (toxic?) – so you are not exposed to it during removal. i have never had a dam used b4 in the U.S. – and i’ve been to many dentists. also, all of the equipment new & high tech. they gave me a neck pillow & blanket, too; which definitely makes you more comfortable. If you go to their website, you can print out a free coupon for zoom whitening! Just call them, tell them you have it & make an appointment!
    Am so impressed & so grateful. Happy 2010!


    I’d never been exposed to a dental dam ’til I had a root canal here, but I assure you that they are hardly unknown in the U.S. dental community and they are not exactly cutting edge technology.

    If you insist, I could go on . . .


    [quote=”DavidCMurray”]I’d never been exposed to a dental dam ’til I had a root canal here, but I assure you that they are hardly unknown in the U.S. dental community and they are not exactly cutting edge technology.

    If you insist, I could go on . . .[/quote]

    surely dental dams are not cutting edge – but are more healthy & holistic for the patient; AND the dental dams combined with the state-of-the-art equipment & materials show they’re spending the $ and time on learning the latest techniques & buying the latest equipment & making a conscious effort to “do it right”.


    Dental dams have their place clinically, of course, just like a lot of other things. Simply because they are available, however, doesn’t mean that they should be used, and because they are used in one appropriate setting doesn’t make them universally applicable.

    I would be curious to see the clinical data that demonstrates that dental dams are necessarily “. . more healthy . . for the patient . . .”.

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