an open letter to Scott Oliver

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  • #158780


    “The people are revolting!”

    Thank you for your feedback. Your opinions have been heard and noted…

    Let’s lock this thread up – no more posts please – and get back to normal OK?



    This site should be renamed

    So many of the discussion forum topics are not about life in Costa Rica, but about how bad life, the economy, politics, society, u-name-it is in the USA. Even this site’s founder recently used it to rant about some piece of US legislation called the National Defense Authorization Act that has all the leftwing bloggers in a tizzy but doesn’t rate a mention on CNN.

    I realize that many expats here are US citizens who’ve fled to Costa Rica because they’re fed up with some, if not all, aspects of life in the United States and this forum offers them the opportunity to vent and stay in touch with other like-minded folks. However, I wish this site would get back to its roots of being a useful tool for those of us non-Ticos living in Costa Rica, or contemplating it, to share experiences, information, ideas and so forth about living here, as there are precious few English-language sites actually devoted to Costa Rica living.

    But, alas, I guess it’s just like Costa Rica living itself, you often have to step over or around a bunch of garbage or dog poop in navigating your way around.


    So navigating in Costa Rica is stepping over or around garbage or dog poop? The National Defense Authorization Act, which removes the last vestige of our freedom, isn’t worth a mention because CNN ignores it?

    You don’t sound like you appreciate Costa Rica or the freedoms we have all recently lost. Why don’t you navigate yourself away from these topics and focus more on the all the poop you seem to find in your path.


    [quote=”chuck1″]Even this site’s founder recently used it to rant about some piece of US legislation called the National Defense Authorization Act that has all the leftwing bloggers in a tizzy but doesn’t rate a mention on CNN.[/quote]

    I had politely suggested that this thread was closed but your posting ‘chuck1’ is the the exact reason why I – and a few others – occasionally “rant” about politics.

    You ‘chuck1’ are obviously totally oblivious and “in the dark” about what is actually going on around you… You really need to wake up!

    If CNN – AKA the “Corporate News Network” – is your respected “news” source – you might want to consider broadening your horizons…

    Perhaps you will pay attention to a respected “leftwing blogger” known as Forbes magazine which recently published this article:

    The National Defense Authorization Act is theGreatest Threat to Civil Liberties Americans Face.

    [ ]

    As the article states: “…the night is always darkest just before the dawn” and you are still fast asleep…


    While I agree with you Chuck1, you’re late to the game. I was feeling that things might get better here. The flames had died down and you stoked the fire. I hope all will refrain from any more of this crap. Point has been made.


    [quote=”clewis”]While I agree with you Chuck1, you’re late to the game. I was feeling that things might get better here. The flames had died down and you stoked the fire. I hope all will refrain from any more of this crap. Point has been made.[/quote]
    Yes, the point has been made: there are some who are asleep and wish to remain so. Written words designed to open their eyes are more than just unwelcome, they are offensive.


    Bye bye….


    and what chuck doesn’t understand because he is watching MSM is that whatever happens “up there” affects all of us “down here.” Costa Rica has become a satellite of the US, just as all of Central America has been for the last 80 or more years. Have you watched the “Shock Doctrine” — it’s available oneline or on youtube, and that would be a good start in your education of how the US has manipulated policies, goverments, monetary systems in Latin America beginning with the destruction of Chile. tsk tsk — i am always amazed how much gringos don’t know about the area they decide to move to. wake up, chuck. it’s not too late to get educated. and if there’s any poop to step around down here, it was probably instigated by the US.


    Thanks again for all your comments…

    This thread is now closed.

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