Any Dems in CR?

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  • #197545

    Wow, after reading these last threads it seems that all those conservative -republicans that have commented have left their country for some very good reasons..the irony kills me !!

    Anyway, as an American/Venezuelan citizen…I’m looking foward to my trip to CR to contemplate a move there…won’t be able to retire in US confortably and Venezuela..well,enough said.


    Don’t worry, jd, there are plenty of liberals in Costa Rica. What has been alleged is true — this is a moderately socialistic country. We have both the liberals and the traditionally reasonable conservatives here to thank for that. Were it that we could say the same about . . . (oh, never mind).


    jd: Well, we are moving to Costa Rica and are big-time Democrats and have already made many friends in Costa Rica who are the same. It has been a little disconcerting while reading these threads to think that we will be in the minority….but my actual experience while in the country has been very different. But I often read the threads and realize that any reasoned contribution that I might make would be a waste of time. I also find it amusing that there is so much screaming and yelling about the health care debate from so many who are so obviously benefiting from the health care in Costa Rica’s social democracy. Also here in the U.S., watching the “tea parties” and “town hall” screamers who are clearly of an age to be on Medicare – a HUGE socialistic health program…..go figure.


    Those “tea parties” and “town hall screamers” is called Democracy. Absolutely no different then when the other side demonstrates against war or similar. We’re fortunate to be able to engage in that type of protest. Hate to think what the consequences would be if you tried that in Venezuela or Cuba.


    We are are NOT from either SIDE.check us out before you make stupid allegations.I WAS a republican before I discovered the truth.(thear both the same)up front in front of the cameras they tell you what you want to the back room they are pals.Ive been to Watergate(the building)I know what goes on inside.project 9/12 and the tea party group are for real.we fund ourselves and don’t take money from either party.


    The “screaming” I am referring to does NOT mean that I don’t always welcome debate. But debate is actually what I am after. I also have questions about the health care reform and would VERY much like to hear questions and responses from everyone. Shouting (whether by “unorganized” individuals or groups) has kept us ALL from having a reasoned discussion about health care reform. My Republican and Independent friends went to two town halls with good, searching questions they wanted to discuss and of course, all actual discussion was impossible. There are massive issues with health care in America and being able to actually HEAR the responses of our Congressional representatives in person would have been immensely helpful to the national debate.


    Just had to respond to the health care question. I have worked as a technical
    Cardiovascular Invasive Specialist (non-physician) for 30 years in the USA.
    To me, the argument comes down to greed and selfishness. Greed from the
    Health Care/Insurance industry, and selfishness from fellow Americans who
    currently have health care insurance, or are on Medicare who do not care if
    there are 50 million Americans who do not have health insurance either because
    they cannot afford it or have pre-existing conditions. In the Cardiac Cath Lab
    I previously worked in, we would perform approximately 20 procedures per day,
    (Approximately 20-30 min per study). The physician performing the Cath would
    be paid a minimum of $2500 per study….figure it out, $50,000 per day, before
    stepping into their office practice. The hospital would charge approximately
    $17,000 for a Cath involving a stent placement. The insurance companies would
    get a discount, but if the patient did not have coverage, they would be charged
    the full amount. Who deserves to make this kind of money on the backs of the sick and dying? Yet some Americans will kick and scream about “socialized medicine” as if this is a test of their patriotism.


    It couldn’t have been said any better, very well put Chetohrt and thanks to all my lib friends who responded


    Thanks, Chetohrt, for that cogent response. My many doctor clients have told me story after story just like this one. They have been giving me the scoop on insurance companies, the administrative burden on docs and other wretched examples of how corporations are really running medicine. Yet it doesn’t seem possible right now to get any traction in discussing the real issues right now. This was a once-in-many-decades opportunity to get educated about this complex issue and we are blowing the chance.

    jan hart

    I agree whole heartedly with you, sueandchris – and thanks, too to Chetohrt for a great response. Having experienced first hand a bankruptcy in the U.S. due to medical expenses for a staph infection that I actually picked up in the hospital, I have been an avid activist for health care reform in the U.S. Now living in Costa Rica I am even more emphatic about the need for the U.S. to join the rest of the civilized world. And yes, there are Dems in CR for sure… And we care….


    there’s only 1 reason we can’t afford health care, the military budget. we’ve spent close to 1 trillion $ on killing iraqis and afghanis. 500,000$ per corpse vs. 53.00 per u.s. poor persons’ help. screaming, gun-waving so-called christians intimidating others to prevent debate.saudis did 9-11. what a waste, i’m ashamed of this country and you should be too. there’s no argument here. but don’t blame me, i voted for nader, the only REAL CHOICE. there will be NO meaningful health care reform. bet anybody? i’ve seen nothing that acknowledges the elephant in the room. EMPIRE. hope, change, what a joke.sos.


    So,if your right (and I find it hard to believe your #s) why not make laws to better regulate the insurance companies and hospitals instead of letting the feds take it over.I have never seen the feds do anything “better”.everything they touch ends up in the toilet? just look at the post office,freddy mack ,and fanny!the whole problem is with the federal government.they work for bribes.If they took the system over it would only get worse.I am a 60 year old male that has spent a ton of time studding politicians from both sides and the ultimate truth of politicians is “they are ALL the same”…HD


    Right on target in relation to our addiction to a war driven economy, and the fact
    that our politicians are in the hip pockets of the Health care corporations. The
    problem is, that writing and self-enforcement of regulations written by this industry
    is the equivalent of keeping the fox in charge of the hen house. This has already
    been tried and is in fact the status quo. The only thing that will accomplish
    health care reform is a change in heart of the American people, and the realization
    that it is unethical for our country to allow Health Care to be the number one (profit driven) industry in the United States. Since you are a 60 year old male, I am glad that you have lived long enough to soon become enrolled in Medicare,
    (A “Socialized”, Non-profit Government run Health care system).


    I am 69 and simply love my govt. operated health care – Medicare. In addition to the usual problems I am deaf. Insurance company felt sorry they couldn’t help. I got a cochlear implant which costs $125K and 4 hors of surgery. Medicare bargained the cost to $65K at a big teaching hospital and my out of pocket was $800. I now have virtually normal hearing and got my life back. Greedy insurance companies would have given me zero, nada, zip


    And when they start rationing care you at 69 will get zero, nada, zip.

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