Any information on Costa Rica Jobs

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    Need any information on Jobs in Costa Rica. Specially with the US Goverment Embassie or others Companys. I am in the Army with 19 years of service and i will retire from the Army in Oct next year. My wife is from Costa Rica. Previously i had experince working with the Army abroad. Specially in Central and South America as well as Europe and the middle east. Any suggestions.


    Would suggest you contact the US Embassy directly

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    All Jobs at the Embassy are called Foreign Service Jobs, those that US Citizens fill. You have to contact the State Department in the US and they give a test every six months. If you are accepted in the Foreign Service that means you are subject to go anywhere. Just getting Costa Rica is not possible. Unless you have a real good contact in State Department, like Ms Rica (smile).

    I used to assist in preparing the budget for one of the Embassy’s in Geneva. The US Government obligates themselves to hire local people for most of the lower level jobs. So if you are looking for a non skilled or administrative clerical position you would have to be a local hire and that would not be legal according to the agreement the US makes with the countries they are doing business in.

    State Department has information on the web about employment. Usually the Consular and his secretary are US Citizens, because of the level of security.

    Check the library for some companies that are doing business in Costa Rica. They can hire you from the US and bring you over here. You have a good possibility of gettin employment with one of these companies if you speak Spanish, a lot of them hire even if you do not speak Spanish because they hire only Costa Ricans that can speak English.


    Thank you for your response. I speak spanish also so i was hopping that to help me also. I was just hoping since a will retire from the Army after 20 years and my wife is from Costa Rica that i can go to the embassy and apply for a job there. i went to the Embasy website and there actually jobs there, so i will wait and when a get there i will try to apply for one of the jobs.



    If you went to the Embassy website and found jobs contact the State Department Human Resources. Or look up Foreign Service officers. I would advise you to look into it from the USA. My husband and I were in Germany for 10 years. When he tried to be locally hired in Germany they do have a policy of filling positions that are very sensetive with US citizens, other jobs they fill with locals. Since your wife is a Costa Rican you will not need to apply for pensonado status so then you will be eligable for jobs from what I understand.

    Check with the State Department in the US they have controll of the Embassy.

    Congrats on your retiring from the military. Welcome to the club of retiree. With all of your management experience you may want to contact some of the companies that are doing business here in Costa Rica. Your experience is very valuable, the military has the best leadership and management programs and training.

    Capitalize on your many years of experience and people management skills. Get a professional to write a good resume for you, preferrably one who has knowledge about putting together resumes for people with military experience.

    God Bless you and thanks for your years of service.


    Thank you very much, those are my intentions to get a good resume on real soon. I am traveling to Ft Stewart in GA to get it done. Right now i am in Jacksonville FL station here so i am bless with the time to get all this done before a move down there.
    Thank you again for everybody advices. Wiht the help og God ill be another one retiring and moving to Costa Rica soon.


    If you want a shorter rout call south com in florida they will be able to help you get a job in CR embassy. Give me a call if you want the dirrect number!


    Thank you very much, can a get your number o can you send it here.


    you can go to my web site at and call me and then I can give it to you. I am a Air Force Reservist and looked into working at the embasy for a couple of months. They do have military liason positions but are limited. They will also have more connections and might be able to help you.

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