ARCR help for buying property in Costa Rica???????

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    Does anyone know how helpful the ARCR is in helping facilitate the purchase of property in Costa Rica with the intention of establishing residency there.
    I called them last week and they gave me some good information about their health insurance plans and requirements for participating in their health plans.
    Does anyone have any feedback on this organization. There is a yearly fee to join. I live in Florida and want to keep my US residency but also want to live in CR part time and establish residency there and eventually retire there.


    You have to invest a LOT of money in real estate if that’s the route you are taking to try and establish residency.

    Getting your residency as a ‘pensionado’ is a lot simpler.

    The ARCR offers a variety of services to their members and I think they also have their own real estate sales brokerage firm.

    I don’t think they have “their” health plans, I believe they offer group insurance from the Costa Rican insurance monopoly INS.

    Maybe some of our other VIP Members can verify that for you?

    As always, do your homework before you do business with anybody.

    Scott Oliver



    As I indicated, I have been reading your forum along with a friend of mine and have requested information to see what properties we purchase. The information I forwarded to you was found on Costa Rica Pages Forum and I hope you can track it from here.

    My concern was that these companies C.R. Tropicals, World Wide and Costa Developers were not on the up and up and if in fact the people mentioned are behind these deals, perhaps your readers should be as concerned as I am. I looked back on your site and although these companies are mentioned, it didn’t appear as though any of the people posting had done any research at all. Since a great number of people appear to depend upon you I was hoping you might do the research and let us know. You appear to have the resources to do this.



    Unfortunately Jill, I could spend 24 hours per day researching companies that are “not on the up and up”.

    As you know this is a free website and yes! I have spent YEARS writing articles and books to help “educate and protect” our VIP Members, it really doesn’t “pay” to continue spending so much time doing that…

    I had the same problem with investment scams… We warned about this in my first book but thousands of people including dozens that I know personally still lost HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of dollars.

    At the end of the day, Costa Rica real estate buyers will find more detailed information on my site that will help educate and protect them (now over 1,000 articles) than any other in the world.

    You can teach a child that if he plays with matches he’ll get burned, but if he still insists on playing with matches after that – there is little we can do…

    Thank you for bringing this to my attention and I will try to look into it more…

    Scott Oliver


    For legal residents of Costa Rica, ARCR can enroll you in the CAJA national health system. For legal residents and others, ARCR has a visiting agent from INS who can enroll you in INS’ insurance programs including health, auto and homeowner’s.

    If you’re spending significant time in Costa Rica, ARCR can offer you other useful services including travel services, a mail forwarding service, etc.


    This may be somewhat of a side note, but we have found ARCR to be of very little help. Their PO Box system in Miami is of little or no help and is very expensive. It took almost 2 months to recieve just a regular size envelope through their system… explanation as to the delay. It cost us over $8 for a standard 8×10 envelope with a thin shopping catalogue in it. In almost every case where ARCR tells you they have group discounts for you, we have either gotten the same discount or a greater one just by asking. Their travel help is worthless. We have no intention of renewing our membership and do not recommend their services.


    My husband and I just signed up for the ARCR last month. We finally got our packet in the mail for sign up after a few weeks…not bad. I haven’t personally use their US PO BOX, but setting up your own Miami based PO BOX is only $15.00 per month and you get up to 5 lbs of mail per month. Their office is a sort of one stop shop of services. I enjoy their chat forum as well. They have been helpful for us, but you have to ask if you intend to get your questions answered. They do have INS and CAJA programs. These are monopolies, you are right. That’s about it!


    We have just put significant money into escrow toward a downpayment on a couple of pre-development lots in Costa Esterillos Development (15 Minutes south of Jaco) by Costa Developers. They claim they have successfully sold out all lots within their first similar development within 4 months (Costa Montana, north of Jaco), as well as within Phase I of the Esterillos project.

    We are invited to visit and confirm our committment within 60 days.

    Anyone’s experience/opinion on the projects progress / prospects would be most appreciated.

    Thank you.



    Hi Viola,

    Just wanted to get back with you and see if you have learned anything new about Costa Esterillos. Ive made one contact in CR but tangable information is slow to get. Hope by the end of today (Friday), I’ll have something concrete My wife and I will be heading to Costa Rica the end of the month to view the property, so a lot homework still needs to be done in the next two weeks.


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