Are Bradley Smokers available in CR?

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    Can anyone tell me if I can buy a Bradley meat smoker here in CR? We are moving here full time and I just can’t live without it<;


    What a beauty ….

    I would be very surprised if you could find something like this in Costa Rica and if you could, with transportation, insurance and import duties, it is likely to be significantly more expensive …

    I have bought a few BBQs and other items as gifts for family and clients from a store in Santa Ana called [url=]Atrezzo[/url]…

    You can see their [url=]smokers here[/url].

    Hope that helps …



    I feel your pain, but Scott has you on the right track. When I left Minnesota for Maryland 14 years ago, I had to leave behind a family of 6 grills, including my 400 pound two-chambered wood smoker (the love of my life) as our stuff had to be in storage for a while….and you know what all our household goods would have smelled like…but I found that the vertical charcoal smokers, like the Weber products in the link Scott gave you, will do almost the same job and only require one stoking about 1.5 hours into the process. Really, with adding chunks of wood to the charcoal, I was hard pressed to tell the difference. I understand the convenience of an electric smoker, but the import costs would be hefty (unless you are packing it in a container-then much less) and of course one never knows if you would have power all the way through the cycle in Costa Rica……..:D

    Good luck and don’t stop smokin’! All my friends think I am a bbq magician. If only they knew how easy it really is!


    Thanks for the info guys. Looks like Ill just learn to use charcoal. But im gonna miss my Bradley >”:

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