Are reservations needed

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    My wife and I are coming to costa Rica in Feb. We will be taking George Lundquist tour for the first 4 days.After that we are headed to the central coast for a week or so. We are not sure exactly where we will go but somewhere around Quepos area at first. And then head south after that. My question is do you think we can wing it or do we need reservations.


    There were a HUGE number of reservations cancelled after the most recent earthquake – even though Quepos was unaffected – so I’m guessing that you would indeed be able to wing it …

    Having said that you know that Murphy’s Law states that the one and only place you REALLY want to get into will be fully booked when you arrive 🙂

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    We haven’t seen a change in Manuel Antonio, so it would be advisable to call ahead. Many traveling here haven’t heard about the quake yet.



    Thanks for the help. Do you have any suggestions on places to stay. Not sure if we’ll rent a car (sounds complicated) so ease of getting around is important. We’re trying to find places for under $150/night, clean, not in a bunk-house. Don’t need the fancy spa stuff. Plan on seeing the park, time on the beach, good food.
    Joe & Patty


    try, , we stayed there for a week, nice and clean, affordable, quiet, and right on the beach!


    Thank you for your reply. This is one of the places we were looking at. It’s nice to know someone actually stayed there and gives it a recomedation. Thaks again.

    Joe & Patty


    Renting a car and driving in Costa Rica shouldn’t present any greater a problem than renting and driving anywhere else. Stick to the companies whose names you recognize. Use your Platinum VISA card to avoid some of the insurance costs. You’ll do just fine.


    I agree with David, never had a problem. My vote goes for Dollar.


    We’ve had perfectly good experiences with Tri-Color, Avis and Payless. Our guests have used Thrifty on many occasions, too. None of those is an endorsement, however.


    Traveling without reservations is an adventure. I’ve stayed at places where I had reservations because we wanted a specific cabin (the Honeymoon cabin at Linda Vista del Norte on Valentines day) and traveled without.

    On our adventure to the Eastern beach area in February 2006 (high season) we found a marvelous little place called Sanchirí Mirador South of Paraiso (East of Cartago) overlooking the Orisi valley. We came upon it as the owner was closing the gate for the night and asked (in English) if they had any rooms. Yes, and it was a wonderful place. The only thing going on was a late evening Tico gathering for some social event. Otherwise the place was empty. Large new rooms, great view, only $60/night and included breakfast.

    The next night we were looking for a room in Cahuita. The first place we looked at had only one small cabin available with 30 inch wide bunk beds and facilities in another building. It was geared for the very young party crowd. We passed. But it was getting dark and we had been around and around. Then, once again, we came across a large walled in place, La Diosa Hotel, with the owner closing the gate for the night. We stopped and asked and YES they had cabins. We had half a very nice brightly painted little cabin with a little private garden outside the bathroom window where a large green lizard spent the night. The place is right on the beach and had employees that could speak (on top of Spanish) English, German, French. . .

    We were very lucky. This was probably the best place in Cahuita. The owner said that the following night and next week they were booked with their annual world peace conference. So we REALLY lucked out and it was only about $60/night.

    Our friends in CR travel quite a bit with company to the various Western tourist spots and never have reservations. But many of the big places that LOOK like what we think of as a hotel in North America are often fully booked (and quite expensive). You have to be willing to be adventurous.

    We DO make reservations to rent a car in advance from EuropaCar. They were the most economical we found and the cars were always new or in very good condition. Maps of Costa Rica are quite good but the road signs are impossible or non-existent in most of the country. I’ll carry a GPS to use with the map next time I go.


    i went there 4 times and never paid more than 60 a night..use the frommers guide it was my bible and try the blue monkey in man antonio…it’s azul mono or something like that you’ll see it in the book also try eating in the resturant that has the airplane in the entrance the aztec snapper is great..good luck and i’ll join u all at the end of the month


    The best meal I have had in Manuel Antonio is from a woman who has a little soda set up right on the beach. There are a few tables and you will see her grilling chicken…mouth watering!!!


    Thank you all for sharing your experiences with us. I’m the type that is willing to take a chance and just go for it. My wife is too, up to a point. But it sounds like we shouldn’t have much of a problem finding lodging. Appreciate the info.
    Joe & Patty


    Have dinner at the Plinio Hotel in Quepos. the owners grow all their own vegetables and spices on their organic farm. I had one of the best Thai curries there and their Indian curries were also great. They also have “regular” food that is to die for, everything is made fresh from scratch. I spent 4 days there a few years ago, and I would’ve stayed longer just to keep sampling the menu. it was the best food I’ve had in Costa Rica, besides what I fix myself.


    Just to be picky, Plinio is on the Manuel Antonio road, so if you ask for it in Quepos, they may not know where to send you.
    I love it there too…

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