Asset management: any recommendations?

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    We are looking for some ways to improve the management of various assets, both real property and liquid, and are interested in companies that assist with this.

    At the moment we are looking at both Wealth International Ltd. ( and RedSea Management Ltd. ( as possibilities.

    Does anyone have experience with either of these that they would be willing to share?

    Does anyone have recommendations for other companies to work with? Any pointers to people with whom you have had a successful long term relationship would be especially helpful.

    Also especially helpful would be pointers to quality people who are experienced in investments _other_than_ stocks, bonds and munis.
    Thank you,


    I would NOT recommend anyone in this country for professional wealth management.

    Scott Oliver – Founder and

    Author of:

    How To Buy Costa Rica Real Estate Without Losing Your Camisa and …

    Costa Rica’s Guide To Making Money Offshore in Bull & Bear Markets


    “I would NOT recommend anyone in this country for professional wealth management.”

    Hard to stop laughing Scott – and totally agree *lol*

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