Bad Experience with Global

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    Hopefully this isn’t an ongoing problem. I shipped only 200 cu. ft. mostly boxes on May 22 – as of this date Aug 8, we have not receive the shipment nor will they tell us where it “actually” is. I was told for 2 months it was in Long Beach California awaiting consolidation – two weeks ago it was enroute to Miami……..I was quoted delivery before 7/1….I moved to Atenas around that time so as to meet the delivery…I get nothing but but padded email responses. If you want more info. email me


    Would you please clarify exactly which company you are referring to?

    If it’s the one I think it is, this is not the first complaint that I have received.

    Scott Oliver – Founder



    I originally contracted with “Global Ocean Freight, Inc” in Florida…I was living in the San Franciso Bay Area, they in turn had Isaac’s moving pick up the load – Isaac’s overcharged me $550 for wrapping a couple pieces of furniture with a layer of cardboard and then shrinkwrap. Besides that, I was quoted that should I go over the 200 cu. ft. limit that I would be charged $6.00 per cu.ft. – Isaac’s over charged me there too – they charged $8.00 per cu.ft. Between the time Isaac’s arrived and left, I had to write an additional check for over $1000. NOTE: ALL THE CHECKS WERE MADE PAYABLE TO “GLOBAL OACEAN FREIGHT INC”. I was quoted by Global that the shipment would be shipped to Port Long Beach, then shipped from there to Port Caldera, Costa Rica………..this never happened, I am now being told that it was shipped two weeks ago from Long Beach, via truck to Miami to meet a ship going to Lemon. BUT, they are unable to tell we which carrier they used to ship it overland. I chose this company, based on their price – which inflated greatly; based on the amount of handeling that “wouldn’t” take place; but now I see it’s being handled a lot more than I wanted, which, as we all know, will allow for stolen goods to occure and breakage as well. This bothers me too because I was instructed to give an inventory of what was in each box, attach it to the top of the box. I also was instructed to compile a master list of all boxes and give each box a “GOODWILL/SALVATION ARMY” value. I questioned this and I was told that if I don’t I will pay thousands in import taxes – I complied – probably a big mistake….we’ll see!

    After the goods left my home in Califonria I was given a tracking number from “Trans Global Moving” – I am under the impression that the two company’s are one of the same, seeing as they have both emailed me during this “time of confusion”. I have been labled “an unhappy customer” – that doesn’t even touch my feelings for this company.

    EXCEPT FOR THIS PROBLEM WITH GLOBAL, my move to Costa Rica was an easy move. I used “welovecostarica” to answer many of my questions. I took the advice I found on this site and purchased a very nice Isuzu from an American in San Ramon, CR. I have met very nice and helpful tico’s and I have no regrets with the move, except for the obvious.

    If I am the only person who has had such a problem with Global, I do apologize, but I surely wanted to alert those who may be considering Global. I was given such a wonderful sales pitch – but after I signed the contract, issued the checks – that’s when everything started to fall apart. Most of the blame is tossed around to other employees……….not my problems!

    Good Luck if you use Global – I hope you have a pleasant experience.


    Just for the record, it appears that “Global” is not the same as “S.G. Global” which is based here in Costa Rica. The latter has treated our move just fine.

    It’s not surprising that a consignment of less than a container would be crated and then shipped here and there until it could be consolidated with other small crated consignments into one shipping container. This is not to say that itsbutch should be happy that no one knows where his consignment is or when it will be delivered to him.

    And I think the guidance to put a “Goodwill/Salvation Army” valuation on the contents of any consignment, crated or containerized, is exactly correct. For the purposes of Customs duty, your consignment is only worth whatever you could get for it if you sold it under duress or gave it away.

    Edited on Aug 08, 2006 13:01


    Thanks for the input David.
    I am glad SG Global is not the same as the “Global” that I used. I don’t want to give a bad name or complaint to SG Global.

    About your comment regarding the Goodwill/Salvation Army value – I understand completely, but I am concerned that if there is loss or damage, my coverage will be “nothing” when it should worth something. I shipped items of “value” and having placed a picture atop each box – it’s anyone choice, should someone want one of the boxes. Time will tell……..I only wish I knew where it was!

    Thanks again David!!!!


    Hi everyone,
    Just for future reference, I am a realtor who specializes in “transitions” for folks wanting to move to Costa Rica.
    In the last 2 years 5 of our clients and friends have used Charles Zeller at ABC Mundanzas and each time their goods have arrived in good shape, in good time and in the cost he has quoted them. One client used the Limon Agency, his things arrived in bad shape (a LOT of it missing) and though the original quote was half what Charles had quoted, he ended up paying almost exactly the amount Charles Zeller quoted him before it was over. I wont even go into the way the goods were finally delivered, you wouldn’t believe me.
    Another client recently used Areocasillas (sp?) to deliver about a dozen boxes, the price seemed very high and we went with our client to “Aduanas” to pick up the boxes (you would not believe the red tape we encountered there!). All the boxes marked clothing and shoes etc were in perfect condition, the ones marked “FRAGILE” were unrecognizable and many things were broken.
    Moral of the story:Check with someone who has used the services of the company you plan to use. I think there is plenty of info out there.


    Thanks Terrytica……

    I hope everyone who reads your mesg will read it a couple more times. Great information.

    My main concern when I contracted Global Ocean Freight, Inc., was NOT to have the goods shipped thru Lemon, as I had heard even worse reports then you mentioned. But, now it’s exactly where I didn’t want it and where I was told it wouldn’t go………but after Global Ocean Freight, Inc., got the money all the promises became just words. I am not looking forward to what I will find “if” my goods ever reach me. As of today, they are not returning my calls. Just adds to the degree of unhappiness I have with Global Ocean Freight. I hope, or should I say pray, that no one use Global Ocean.
    Thanks again to Terrytica


    ABC Mudanzas was formerly run by Charlie Zeller, and many people used his services to move here.

    He recently had a falling out with his business partner (who was not active in the business BTW), and has now started a new company, Ship to Costa Rica, with toll free number 1-866-245-6923

    This is part of a posting on another forum. Just from a few weeks ago, so it looks like Charlie is NO longer with ABC Mundanzas.


    Thanks, good to know. We have not used his services in a while but I know we will need him again soon.

    I just checked with Charles and he has split with ABC, I have his new contact info if anyone is interested. He says he is still working with the same traffic and import people.

    Edited on Aug 10, 2006 18:21


    Can somebody tell me who deals with consolidating a small load. I need to send some antique furniture total 70 cu feet. I might also ship other items with a total (including the above) of 190 cu.ft. I’ve tried the contact 6 or 7 companies but they don’t reply. I have to assume it’s because the load is too small. So what does anybody suggest?


    I have had a lot of good “findings” on Omega
    Contact them and tell them exactly what you have and want. Ask about their building a wooden crate for your goods (good idea). If you should talk to Greg Tyrell – tell him Butch suggested you contact them.
    Good Luck………

    I would suggest that you google Omega and others to see if they have many complaints against them, even check with the Better Business Bureau


    If you’re moving a small, consolidatable load from the U.S. to Costa Rica, almost any U.S. moving and storage company that advertises international moving services should be able to do this. You and they will not be breaking new ground when they crate, consolidate and ship your 190 or so cubic feet of belongings. The above applies equally if you’re moving from Canada. Open the Yellow Pages to “Movers” and let your fingers do the walking.

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