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- This topic has 1 reply, 12 voices, and was last updated 17 years, 7 months ago by
June 20, 2007 at 9:47 pm #184611
MemberThis has nothing to do with race, as far as I’m concerned. They could be from China or Mars. When they start killing our pets and tainting our food source, and we’re scared to death to brush our teeth, I’ve got a problem with them. The U.S. government is to blame also for allowing this to happen. If they were doing their job inspecting we wouldn’t have this problem. On top of that we have over a $200 billion annual trade deficit with China. What’s the gov’t doing about that, obviously nothing. Anyone who is not a little bit afraid of our food sources these days hasn’t been paying attention.
June 21, 2007 at 12:15 am #184612rf2cr
ParticipantIt was never intended to be racist – the idea of 12,000,000 people from ANYWHERE moving to Costa Rica is scary!
June 21, 2007 at 11:42 am #184613maravilla
MemberWe watch a lot of Chinese television — mostly documentaries about how they are destroying the environment and ancient villages with the dam on the Yellow River, the god-awful pollution in their major cities, the total disregard for human life in the workplace, etc. Next time you put on a piece of clothing that was Made in China, remember that some poor peasant just trying to stay alive, made that garment for $.10 an hour and lived in the most deplorable conditions you can imagine. I have the same problems with them that the other two women have — they are a main source of imported food — food that isn’t grown or processed by any safe standard. I also have a BIG problem with the fact that China is making most of the vitamins on the market today and who the heck knows what’s really in THEM? China was less of a threat to us when it was under commie rule – now with Capitalism, they are spreading everywhere and buying up everything they can. Bad bad bad
June 21, 2007 at 2:57 pm #184614Charlie
MemberSomeone mentioned the Chinese are like rats. How many are in Costa Rica today ? I see plenty of Chinese restaurants, but everywhere I go, malls, beaches, mountains , grocery stores , I hardly see any in general public. Must be hiding in the gutters ? I don´t see a problem with a person just because they are Chinese. This is Costa Rica not China , if Chinese government doesn´t give a damn about anything, that´s them. It´s up to Costa Rica to limit development, place and actually enforce safety and environmental standards. If Chinese investment hurts us, shame on CR not the Chinese. Hopefully the CR government won´t look the other way when they start sending $$ for needed projects here.
June 21, 2007 at 10:08 pm #184615Alfred
MemberThey are still under communist rule. And are doing a good job as quasi-capitalists. They are beating us at our own game.
June 22, 2007 at 9:42 pm #184616Peg
MemberWith all the products from China lately that have been tainted, it’s starting to seem like chemical warfare going on. So far our Gov’t is not making much of a to do about it, so it seems like they are getting away with it. My next door neighbor lost his dog, because of the poisoned pet food, and quite a few others in the local newspaper.
June 22, 2007 at 11:22 pm #184617maravilla
MemberBut we’re still looking for Osama when we should be looking at our trading partners. I just stocked up on Tom’s of Maine toothpaste to bring down to San Ramon with me next week! I’m not taking any chances.
June 23, 2007 at 11:19 am #184618crchuck
MemberChina dangling all types of enticements (see:MASSIVE USD reserves) and the real doozy….a PetroChina refinery right in Costa Rica, to serve all of Central America. CR just dumped Taiwan like a bad date, jumping to kiss China’s a_s. Several others suddenly have likewise denounced Taiwan to kiss China’s a_s. What a crying shame! Hmm…CR is anti-war, anti-military, is very DEMOCRATIC and peace-loving, it’s Nobel-winning Pres. speaks out against weapons/arms trafficking. Someone pointed out that China (see: COMMUNIST) is one of the world’s largest arms traffickers, supplying cheap (price-wise) weapons to many rogue regimes. Hmm, let’s see, massive human rights violations, worker enslavement, censorship, massive environmental destroyer, the biggest violator of copyrights and patents costing the US and other countries MASSIVE losses in revenue. Let’s not forget tainted food, toothpaste, bogus/tainted supplements, medicines and other health-care products. Their newly found influence should not be underestimated, especially when armed with seemingly-unlimited money reserves (in USD) that they acquired patiently as the US took the bait, swallowing “hook, line and sinker” going into massive debt to China. No doubt they are trying to get CR not to ratify the TLC with the US by offering everything imaginable (see limitless USD reserves), including the kitchen sink because of their own need and incredible demand for food and natural resources. Seems the mania is spreading like wildfire to the leaders of the other Central American countries also. The writing on the wall couldn’t be any clearer. What the heck is the US doing in a war in the Middle East? Time to get the frig outta there like yesterday!
June 23, 2007 at 9:24 pm #184619Peg
There may be some good news on the horizon. Deep down in the middle of my newspaper today, there was a little tiny article that said, that the FDA is making a rule that all manufacturers test all ingredients in products such as supplements and other health care items. Even those that are not listed in the ingredients. This testing will be phased in. Things don’t usually happen very quickly, so we will still have to be carefull. At least it’s a start.
June 23, 2007 at 10:13 pm #184620maravilla
MemberNow if ONLY I trusted the FDA, which I don’t, because they are about as corrupt as it gets, being in bed with Big Pharma as they are. All pharmaceutical drugs are supposed to be tested, too, but loopholes allow those crooks to withhold negative clinical trial results and only publish the ones that are favorable to get approval. This is a noble attempt, but I doubt that it will get legs — maybe after a few thousand people die and there is massive public outcry to enforce their own policies. Is the world insane, or what? CRChuck’s post didn’t exactly make my day either. Sheesh.
June 27, 2007 at 3:24 am #184621saltwater
MemberSomewhere, a group of notaries is probably salivating over the thought of 12 million chinese “investors” buying land in Costa Rica. Boy, are they in for a suprise. I’m wondering how many times they could sell the same plot of land to different chinese investors before they catch on?(sounds like a challenge!) Costa Rica isnt like any African nation, although unregulated chinese investment may make it like that. I’m no genious, but I predict a big war in the middle east this summer, and one of the consequences of it is going to be a global recession/depression, which will result in huge stock losses on both hemispheres, and a slowdown in manufacturing. In my opinion, China’s growth is unsustainable.
July 7, 2007 at 2:01 pm #184622Miked
MemberI agree with your senerio regarding China’s unsustained development. What worries me more however is CAFTA, and whether or not this treaty will be ratified by Costa Rica. Besides tela communications, what other aspects of this economy will be opened up to the multinational corporation? Can we expect the food supply of Costa Rica to be 100% geneticaly modified in a few years? What about the sovernity of this nation? Since NAFTA was enacted, the minimum wage in Mexico was lowered four times. Should we expect a lower standard of living for Costa Rican’s as well?
Would like some input on this subject; in the meantime let’s work on getting a person with integrety elected next year, an individual who rejects the mega dollars multi national Corps have used to purchase other candidates. …..Ron Paul is the man!
July 18, 2007 at 10:32 pm #184623tomasino
Estimado Sr. (a): Nos es grato informarles que HSBC adquirió el 99.98% de las acciones de Grupo Banistmo y, por ende, de Corporación Banex. Deseamos compartir este importante acontecimiento a nuestros clientes y amigos, quienes han hecho posible nuestro crecimiento y excelentes resultados, producto del trabajo responsable y de la confianza depositada en nosotros.
El que pronto todas las operaciones de Banex se lleven a cabo bajo la marca HSBC nos permitirá combinar y unir nuestras fortalezas con las de uno de los grupos financieros más grandes del mundo. Hoy deseamos dar a conocer a ustedes alguna de la información más relevante sobre HSBC.
* Es un banco que se enfoca primordialmente en seis áreas de negocios:
o Banca de Consumo
o Banca Corporativa e Inversiones
o Banca Privada
o Seguros y Pensiones
Sus acciones se cotizan en las bolsas de Londres, Nueva York, París, Hong Kong y Bermudas. Sus más de 200.000 accionistas están ubicados en cerca de 100 países y ninguno es dueño de más del 15% de las acciones.
HSBC es un grupo financiero de capital internacional con sede en Londres. HSBC es sinónimo de solidez, eficiencia, experiencia, confianza y credibilidad.
Con la adquisición de Grupo Banistmo, incorpora cinco países a su vasta red: Ahora son 82 territorios donde está presente, con más de 265.000 colaboradores, 10.000 oficinas y 125 millones de clientes.
HSBC se ubica entre las 30 principales marcas más reconocidas a nivel mundial, según la revista Business Week en el 2006.
El Grupo mantiene una de las redes de comunicación de datos más grandes del mundo, procesando alrededor de 13 millones de operaciones por Internet al año. Cuenta con 20 millones de clientes que utilizan banca electrónica.
HSBC es reconocida como una institución a la vanguardia en tecnología, con una inversión en esta área de más de 5 billones de dólares en el 2005.
Los planes de HSBC en Centroamérica y Colombia son continuar la estrategia de negocios establecida por Banistmo y potenciar todos los negocios que sean rentables y viables a largo plazo. Con su lema “El banco local del mundo”, HSBC cree en el respeto a la idiosincracia de los países donde se establece.
Al 31 de diciembre de 2006 el Grupo HSBC contaba con activos de US $1.861 (trillones de dólares), un patrimonio de US $114.928 (billones de dólares) y utilidades (antes de impuestos) de US $22.086 billones.
En pocas semanas iniciaremos la integración a HSBC, y durante todo este proceso deseamos atenderlos como ustedes se lo merecen. Estaremos atentos y complacidos de evacuar sus preguntas o comentarios y desde ya los invitamos a acercarse a la sucursal más cercana, o a su Ejecutivo de Cuenta asignado.Una vez más reafirmamos el compromiso de todo nuestro personal, directivo, gerencial, administrativo y técnico, de continuar trabajando bajo los principios de lealtad, seriedad, eficiencia y profesionalismo. Así mismo ratificamos nuestra meta de continuar siendo un gran Banco, “El banco local del mundo”.
De parte de todo el personal, les enviamos un saludo cordial,
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