Banking in Costa Rica

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    GREAT article by scott on banking here in C R. Recently i tried to open up a savings account at H.S.B.C, my own bank back in the took 6 months of bank statements, contracts from my attorneys and acountants, phone confirmations, e mail signatures,letters from my landlord my hotel bills , utilites bills,and 4WEEKS to GIVE THEM MY MONEY!Imagine if i wanted to TAKE THEIR money!!! I told them it would be easier to hold them up at gunpoint then give them money…They agreed!..Imagine trying to get a mortgage or any type of loan here!..Scott’s putting it politely when he says he doesn’t recomend these banks..even their american /eurOpean versions are terrible. I can tell you from recent experience in POLAND and NEW YORK that, execept for the silly things and the wait time, IT ISN’T MUCH BETTER!


    One of the reasons we all love Costa Rica is because of the more laid back lifestyle… Many things are left until mañana which is great and makes for a pleasant, lower stress and more relaxed lifestyle however, it’s unfortunately not compatible with speedy and efficient banking services that we may have become accustomed to elsewhere…

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    Customer service is only in the banks’ mission statements as pure false advertising. Every time I must do something from the states, it invariably takes several e-mails and faxes to the branch to even get their attention. Threats to remove your deposits, which I will not do because they are a waste of breath & counterproductive on the Tico culture so you have to plan for contingency days to accomplish anything. Even in person it is a wait that could easily consume the tyical lunch hour in the states so you quickly learn the non-peak times and days. What would it take to st.rrat a credit union Scott?


    I use CoopeMex for my banking and paying all my bills! I’m very happy with them… the employees know my name and service is sooooo much better than the state bank in town!

    You might want to try the Coops…


    My branch of BN is in Cobano, Punarenas (Montezuma/Mal Pais). There is a new BCR in Santa Teresa, but still a national bank. As they grow, which is not smooth given the intra-town rivalries and lack of a wealthier, respected visionary who can orchestrate a change for the betterment of their commercial hub. There is cargo ship loads of PhD brain power in the region. A local grown credit union akin to the small regional pharmacy chains would workw ell in CR. Like the old farmer’s coops were in the states once. I am curious what it would entail to strat a financial institution. Scott? Anyone?


    Hi Scott.
    This is not in relation to banking. It is to thank you for your web site and also thank you for Steve Riley. My husband and I flew down to CR in December and spent two wonderful days with him. Purchased 10 acres in San Joaquin and fell in love with the Orosi Valley and Steve. He treated us like we were long lost family. And we feel now as if we are. Just wanted to let you know that Steve is the best and we look forward to seeing him more often after our move. And I also hope to meet you and help out with some of your kids programs. Terri DeLuca Midland, NC

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