Bella Collina Development

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    We have never been to Costa Rica and are considering reserving a condo at Bella Collina. Has anyone else purchased here or know anything about the development and/or the developer? It seems to be quite expensive. Is it worth the price? Has anyone done onsite due diligence?

    Thanks, Robin


    search the messages it has been discussed. And of course do nothing until your own attorney advises you and you have personally inspected the site.


    For Pete’s sake listen to Scott! Don’t buy anything until you’ve thoroughly researched it on-site. The building itself may be better than what’s represented in the promotional literature or website, and the price could be a steal, but without seeing it in person you won’t know if it’s downwind of a hog farm or something worse. The neighborhood is as important as the development. Know fully what you’re getting into.


    Thank you David

    Seems to me that someone who has “never been to Costa Rica” and is considering “reserving a condo” in a development that he/she considers to be “quite expensive” REALLY – I mean REALLY – does need to come down to visit the country…


    A: Come visit and see if you like Costa Rica
    B: Do you like the people who live here?
    C: Do you like the area where the “quite expensive” condo is located?
    D: Does the area have the infrastructure and amenities that you need?
    E: Is this an established developer?
    F: How do their prices compare to similar properties?

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    Mucho gusto, mi amigo.

    If indeed this property is “quite expensive” in the eyes of the potential purchaser, then the investment of a few days time, a round trip ticket and a couple of nights in a hotel is a small price to pay to guarantee that you don’t make an expensive mistake. In the long run, it will be much cheaper to “waste” a few dollars investigating than trying to recover from a purchase you may not be able to undo.


    Boy as a real estate broker here in NYC I sure wish I could get some nice folks to wire me some money for property on our web site. Send me an e mail we have a few interesting condo projects with some vacancy’ you you need a bridge? lol…


    Posted in the wrong place by ‘keclj01’ and reposted here by Scott


    Posted Mar 15,2008 1:41 PM keclj01

    I have indeed been to Bella Collina all the way to the top of the highest point of this development via Land Rover in 2004. I have the digital photo’s to prove it. It is a stunning view and the area is quite nice. The beaches are sugar sand(white)and the climate is dry and arid as this area is considered part of the Gold Coast. I actually put money down on this developement and had it promptly returned. This is where I can tell you I know some of what happened, but not all of what happened. The marketing group I put my downpayment with was fired, why I do not know. I just know that my money was returned, no questions asked and the property was remarketed several month’s later at a much higher price than what I was originally quoted. I can’t say that I blame them for asking more because of all the properties I walked around and looked at in Costa Rica, I found this one to be the most stunning. I was recently contacted by the new marketing arm for Bella Collina, very professional group and they were offering condos in the $400-$500 price range. Hope this helps.


    My father and I both reserved units (in escrow) in this development. The property is very nice and IF, Bella Collina finishes the property the way they have indicated, it will certainly be a nice project. We found that for our purposes, the project was SO FAR FROM COMPLETION that we opted to explore other alternatives that are set for completion in a shorter time line.

    The group marketing the property is somewhat professional. They did refund our money when asked, however it took longer than expected. Nonetheless, it went well.

    The hurdle we couldn’t get over was the absence of CC&R’s and the uncertainty of their completion. Certainly any deal (that I would do) would be conditional to the approval of such regulations. We just felt that, at that point in time, there were too many uncertainties about the project. What isn’t uncertain is the beauty of the location. One thing is certain, they need to pave the road to the location or it will be all for not. My opinion is that this group is on the level but might its eyes might be bigger than its stomach. Again, just my $0.02, for what its worth.

    Edited on Mar 19, 2008 13:36


    Hi, Thanks so much for your response (and everyone else who took the time to comment). What is CC&Rs? Also, where did you end up buying. Best!


    No problem Rob.

    We are currently in negotiations, with the deal set to go conditional after Easter, in Flamingo.

    CC&R’s (Covenants, Codes & Restrictions) are the set of documents that administer the condo project. Similar to condo bylaws and disclosure statements in Canada/US.


    One other thing. I don’t know what the fees are like at developments like Reserva Conchal are but the preliminary fees assessment was quite high for a third world country, more than here in Canada.


    Costa Rica is considered a Less Developed Country (LDC) yes! It is NOT considered a “third world country.”

    Scott Oliver – Founder


    Sorry Scott, but that is merely semantics in my opinion. My intent was not to insult Costa Rica in any way. I love that country. They have made large strides but still have a long way to go.



    Have you been to other parts of the country as there are major differences from one area to the other. For instance, the Central Pacific of Costa Rica has a different feel to it than up North and South in the Osa. We have found that the central pacific has superior infrastructure, beautiful beaches and a more mild climate to where the trees stay green year round. Plus the price per square foot for finished construction is less than up North. Just a thought so you know all of your options. Some people love Guantecaste while others hate it for various reasons, just depends on personal taste as there is quite a difference.

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